
  • 网络consciousness;content of consciousness
  1. 这个观点最重要的概念是,大脑有一个中心,并且这个中心是所有意识内容的起点。

    The most important aspect of this concept is that the brain has a centre and that is the causal point of departure for the emergence of the content of consciousness .

  2. 介绍意识水平和意识内容两方面的解剖及生理学基础。

    Anatomy and physiology foundation for the level and content of consciousness were explained .

  3. 日本人的集团意识内容十分丰富,表现形式也多种多样。

    Japanese 's group consciousness content is very abundant ;

  4. 第四部分:心理内容理论给马克思主义意识内容问题研究带来的思考。

    Section 4 : Some thoughts the theory of mental content brings to Marxist problem of consciousness content .

  5. 科举文化内容可被粗略划分为物质内容与人文意识内容两个部分。

    The content of this concept can be considered as including the material part and the abstract humanity-related part .

  6. 公民意识内容非常丰富,包括公民的主体意识、权利意识、义务意识、法律意识、公民的归属意识等。

    Civic consciousness has plentiful content , including subject consciousness , right consciousness , obligation consciousness , legal consciousness , cognition consciousness , and so on .

  7. 想象可以丰富歌唱者的意识内容,想象的发展也受歌唱者的意识、经验和知识的影响。

    Imagines enriches the singer 's consciousness content , the imagination development is also receiving the singing the imagination and the association on has not sung art .

  8. 本文结合当前大学生身心健康的现状及特征,阐述健商的概念、健商意识内容,并提出了培养大学生健商意识的方法。

    This article will introduce the concept of health quotient and its content according to the reality and characteristic of undergraduates ' physical and mental health , and also will give us some methods of evaluating health quotient .

  9. 最后,本文强调,只有关注自然科学的最新发展,并借鉴和吸收心理内容理论的积极成果,才能回应挑战、深化当代马克思主义意识内容问题的研究。

    Finally , the author emphasizes that we can reply to the challenges and deepen the research of contemporary Marxist problem of consciousness content if we use the new progress of nature science and the new achievements of mental content theory .

  10. 在审视无意识的内容时,弗洛伊德对一些根深蒂固的看法提出了质疑。

    In examining the content of the unconscious , Freud called into question some deeply-held beliefs .

  11. 他的意识的内容就是他全部的存在。

    The content of his consciousness is his entire existence .

  12. 这一切就是你意识的内容。

    All that is the content of your consciousness .

  13. 集体无意识的内容便是原型。

    The contents of collective unconscious are archetypes .

  14. 国家与民族形象意识:内容、价值与培育

    The Image Consciousness of Country and Nation : Content , Value , and Development

  15. 这在理论上是一种探索,在公民意识教育内容上是一种丰富。

    Theoretically , this is an exploration of civic education content in a rich .

  16. 篮球意识的内容、形式与结构

    Contents , forms and structure of basketball consciousness

  17. 现代林业的意识、内容与制度

    Modern Forestry Consciousness , Content and System

  18. 论意识的内容和形式

    On Forms and Content in Sense

  19. 对高水平排球运动员排球运动意识的内容和特征表现进行了研究。认为对排球运动方法与规律的认识及对胜利时机的把握是构成排球运动意识的主体。

    The main body of the volleyball movement consciousness was made up of the cognition about method .

  20. 通过问卷调查详细了解了广州市民参与健身活动的意识、内容、消费等方面的情况。

    Consciousness , contents and consumption of citizens ' physical activities in Guangzhou city were investigated by questionnaire .

  21. 从某种意义上,这些意识的内容是由那些聚集的神经元的繁忙活动完成的。

    And somehow all that content of consciousness is accomplished by the busy activity of those hoards of neurons .

  22. 知识内容的选择研究中,提出应合理地选择那些能够激发学生学习兴趣,培养科学精神、审美意识的内容。

    About contents selection , something which can attract students , foster their scientific spirits and aesthetic standards should be included .

  23. 从乒乓球意识的内容和状态论述了乒乓球意识在乒乓球训练中的重要作用。

    This paper discusses the significance of consciousness in table tennis training from aspects of contents and states of table tennis consciousness .

  24. 所以,有必要对原始性别意识的内容、特点、成因、影响进行系统、专门的研究。

    It is necessary to the content of the original gender awareness , characteristics , causes , effects systems , specialized research .

  25. 原型是瑞士心理学家荣格提出的一个概念,用来指集体无意识的内容。

    " Archetype " which is used to refer to the collective unconscious is a concept put forward by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung .

  26. 早期马克思意识理论内容丰富又变动很大,是马克思主义哲学产生和成熟过程中的重要环节。

    Early Marx consciousness theory , whose content is rich and changes greatly , is an important link in the Marxist philosophy production and mature process .

  27. 他们必须从人类意识的内容中脱离,他们必须让生活不沾染增长的罪恶和暴力。

    They have to detach themselves from the content of mankind 's consciousness , they have to live without touching the stream of growing vulgarity and violence .

  28. 深生态意识的内容包括整体论自然观、生态社会观、生态优位的科技观、生态生活观等。

    The Contents of Deep Ecological sense Including entirety theory Views of Nature , Ecological views of Society , Ecology Priority views of Science and technology and Ecological views of Life .

  29. 以哲学和心理学的理论为指导,剖析了前人的观点,对篮球运动员篮球意识的内容与形式、结构、培养进行了详细的归纳,以求在篮球教学与训练中提供理论依据。

    This article summarizes contents , forms , structure and cultivation of basketball consciousness with the guidance of philosophical and psychological theories in order to offer reference for further teaching and training .

  30. 学习成绩不同等级的学生,他们在教学组织意识、内容主题意识、知识应用意识、问题激趣意识和课外延伸意识五个方面均表现出不同的等级性。

    Students in different levels of records show different grades in consciousness of teaching organization , content theme , application of knowledge , stimulation of awareness of problems and extension of extracurricular knowledge .