
  1. 雪树伏特加,苹果汁,意大利白葡萄酒,鲜柠檬,葡萄。

    Belvedere vodka , apple juice , white wine fresh lemon and grapes .

  2. 意大利面条,白面包,饼干,饼干和糖果包含变成脂肪堆积,增加血糖水平,并在系统造成不平衡坏的碳水化合物。

    Pastas , white bread , cookies , crackers and sweets contain bad carbohydrates that turn into fat deposits , increase the blood sugar level and cause imbalances in the system .

  3. 粗粮保有原来的麸皮和胚芽,与制作白面、意大利面食和白米饭的细粮相比,蛋白质含量高25%。

    Whole grains , where the bran and germ remain , contain 25 percent more protein than refined grains , such as those that make white flour , pasta and white rice .

  4. 格利德是意大利最出名的白葡萄酒。

    One of the most famous white wines from Italy with a straw yellow color .

  5. 最喜爱的酒:各种课程,享受所有用爱心和质量生产的葡萄酒,但意大利北部葡萄酒和白勃艮第尤其。

    Favorite wine : Varies of course , enjoy all wines produced with love and quality but week for northern Italian wines and white Burgundy 's.