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  • 网络CONTROL;Mind Control;Mind-Controlled;idiodynamics
  1. 马里兰大学(UniversityofMaryland)的精神病学家迈克尔·布罗迪(MichaelBrody)提醒说,意念控制游戏只有在走出初尝阶段,成为病人心理健康疗法标准化的组成部分之后才会发挥作用。

    Michael Brody , a psychiatrist who teaches at the University of Maryland , cautions that mind-controlled games are useful only if they move beyond the novelty stage and become a standard part of patients ' mental health regimens .

  2. 假使一个人可以从用意念控制的电子游戏中获得类似的好处,情况会怎么样?

    What if a person could derive the same kind of benefit from a mind-controlled videogame ?

  3. 游戏设计师简·麦克高尼格(JaneMcGonigal)说,用意念控制游戏所要求的注意力集中可以让心神平静。

    The attention and focus required to control a game with the mind has the benefit of calming the mind , said game designer Jane McGonigal .

  4. 在这款车上,意念控制将取代方向盘。

    Thought control in place of a steering wheel , anyone ?

  5. 那不是真的我记得你用意念控制过我

    It wasn 't real . I remember you compelling me .

  6. 喂我看见了你用意念控制她没错她活该

    Hey , I saw that . You compelled her.Yeah , she deserved it .

  7. 意念控制往往来得很慢,通常是在我们做出反应之前,我们就已经摔倒了。

    Conscious control would be too slow-before we could react , we would fall down .

  8. 那说明吸血鬼盗血时利用意念控制掩盖了盗窃痕迹

    Meaning the vampire who stole the blood used mind control to hide the theft .

  9. 意念控制很邪恶但也很必要

    Mind control is a necessary evil .

  10. 意念控制接口的开发动态

    The Development Trend for Mind-Driving Interface

  11. 我从没用意念控制你爱我

    I never compelled your love .

  12. 但是有些医生认为,由于意念控制游戏可以改善心理健康,它给人带来的不仅是娱乐和放松。

    But some doctors believe mind-controlled games can provide more than fun and relaxation , by improving mental health .

  13. 你也有超能力她不能用意念控制你肯定用了其他手段蛊惑�

    You 're supernatural so she can 't compel you . I 'm sure she used her other charms .

  14. 想象一下这个场景:你戴上耳机,放松精神,然后很快你就可以用意念控制一个物体。

    Picture this : You put on a headset and relax your mind . Soon you begin controlling an object with your thoughts .

  15. 你们骗了我一次太可耻了好吧那我们在亚特兰大的时候你为什么不用你的意念控制我

    Fool me once , shame on you.Ok , when we were in Atlanta , why didn 't you use your compulsion on me ?

  16. 在各种使用意念控制的玩具中,有一种NecoMiMi耳机,作为一种时尚配件,这种耳机在日本动画迷中大受欢迎。

    Among the various toys and gadgets that run on mind control is the NecoMiMi headset , a fashion accessory that has taken fans of Japanese anime by storm .

  17. 创业公司BrainCo发布了一款“意念控制”头箍。通过一系列应用程序,它能有效接收到大脑信号,进而帮助人们集中注意力、诊断疾病,还能操控智能家电、甚至是假肢这样的设备。

    A " mind control " headband unveiled by startup BrainCo effectively hacks into brain signals with a range of possible applications -- from helping to improve attention spans , to detecting disease , controlling smart home appliances or even a prosthetic device .

  18. 仅仅依靠意念来控制事物是科幻小说的常见场景。

    Controlling things by mere thought is a staple of science fiction .

  19. 她记得发生过的事情吗一点也不记得了那些都是凯瑟琳用意念在控制她

    Does she remember what happened ? No , nothing . It 's all part of Katherine 's mind compulsion .

  20. 在早期的试验里,奈格尔学会了用意念来控制计算机屏幕上的光标移动。

    In early trials , Nagle learned to move a cursor around a computer screen simply by imagining moving his arm .

  21. 至于非侵入式的方法对于某些治疗虽然颇有希望,但可能仅限于以意念来控制义肢。

    Noninvasive methods , though promising for some therapies , will probably be of limited use for controlling prostheses with thoughts .

  22. 人们一直幻想利用自身大脑意念来直接控制外部世界,然而这个愿望一直没能实现。

    People have been fantasizing to use their own ideas to directly control outside world , however , this desire has not been achieved .