
  • 网络gradual and sudden change
  1. 然后,本文阐述房地产业系统自组织演化的道路是分岔与选择,渐变与突变。

    Then , we elaborate the self-organization path of the real estate industrial system is branch and choice , gradation and sudden change .

  2. 高氟茶浸泡液的细胞毒性及致突变性渐变与突变共生于体育教学之中,渐变导致突变的发生,而突变则更有利于创造性的实现。

    Cytotoxicity and Mutagenicity of Tea Containing High Content of Fluoride Catastrophe and gradual changing are all consist in sports teaching system , gradual changing conduces catastrophe and catastrophe conduces creativity in sports teaching system .