
táo bīng
  • deserter;army deserter;slacker
逃兵 [táo bīng]
  • (1) [deserter]

  • (2) 擅自逃离部队的兵士

  • (3) 因怕困难而擅离职守的人

逃兵[táo bīng]
  1. 她曾帮助一名逃兵躲开追兵。

    She had helped an army deserter by hiding him from the military police .

  2. Demara于1921年生于麻省的劳伦斯,他是一个老奸巨猾的骗子,一个美国逃兵,可以在不同的身份之间穿梭自如。

    Born in Lawrence , Massachusetts , in1921 , Demara was a sophisticated con man , a U.S.army deserter with a spectacular ability to put on and discard identities at will .

  3. 惠王听了,拍着桌子,说:“当然不对,不管逃五十步,还是逃一百步,一样是逃兵啊!”

    Upon hearing this , King Hui struck the table and said : " Of course not . No matter whether they flee 50 steps or 100 steps , they are deserters just the same . "

  4. 只不要在象上次那样当逃兵了。

    Just don 't run away like you did last time .

  5. 你难道不知道当逃兵有怎样的下场吗?

    Don 't you know how long stowaways go to jail ?

  6. 他当逃兵的事使他的家庭受了耻辱。

    His desertion from the army brought dishonour on his family .

  7. 说他们捉获一个守夜人逃兵

    They 've captured a deserter from the Night 's Watch .

  8. 无论什么,他始终是个逃兵。

    Whatever it is , he 's still a deserter .

  9. 将军下令处决逃兵。

    The general gave the word to execute the deserters .

  10. 如果逃兵,一定会被宪兵逮回去。

    If I desert , the gendarmes will come and get me .

  11. 他面临敌人进攻时当逃兵,被枪决了。

    He was shot for desertion in the face of the enemy .

  12. 你逃兵带枪还会回家吗?

    If you were awol , would you take your gun home ?

  13. 不只是逃兵役的在那上课

    I mean , they 're not just for draft dodgers

  14. 这逃兵死得挺勇敢。

    " The deserter died bravely ," Robb said .

  15. 到时自然要被当作逃兵砍头

    Of course they will behead you as a deserter

  16. 所以说,你和我一样是一个逃兵?

    So , you are a deserter as me ?

  17. 远征队到达西印度群岛后,很多队员当了逃兵。

    After the expedition reached the West Indies , many of the men deserted .

  18. 逃兵会像丧家之犬一样被猎杀。

    Deserters would be hunted down like dogs .

  19. 逃兵和持不同意见者会被立即处死。

    Deserters and dissidents would be summarily executed .

  20. 倒很像个逃兵!

    What he looked like was a deserter !

  21. 我知道我是逃兵

    And I know I 'm a deserter .

  22. 弗兰克-卢卡斯从不当逃兵。

    Frank Lucas don 't run from nobody .

  23. 他是个逃兵,妈妈的宝贝以及一个傻瓜。

    He 's a draft Dodger and a mama 's boy and a dimwit .

  24. “这逃兵死得挺勇敢。”罗柏说。

    The deserter died bravely , Robb said .

  25. 我说啊,所有的逃兵都该吃枪子儿!

    I say all deserters should be shot !

  26. 规模收益递增对我国参与国际分工的启示由于大势已去,逃兵的人数日益增多。

    Inspiration for China to Participate into International Division of Labor from Increasing Scale Profits ;

  27. 我们去拜访你们的时候,听说你们窝藏逃兵。

    We went down to visit you when we heard you were harborin ` deserters .

  28. 琼恩说他是逃兵

    Jon said he was a deserter .

  29. 我成了一名冥想修行营的逃兵啦。

    I 'm a meditation retreat dropout .

  30. 新联盟:一位塔利班的逃兵与一位北方联盟的士兵同车而行。

    New Alliances : A Taliban defector and a Northern Alliance soldier , share a ride .