
diàn niǔ
  • button;push button
电钮 [diàn niǔ]
  • [push button] 由接通或断开电路使开关动作的按钮

电钮[diàn niǔ]
  1. 数字式在改进测试的生产力和减少的错误峰顶举行和电钮调零援助。

    Digital Peak-Hold and Push Button Zeroing aid in improving testing productivity and reducing errors .

  2. 只要按一下电钮就可以看到你喜欢的角色在表演。

    Just press the button to see your favourite character in action .

  3. 我按电钮叫电梯。

    I punched the button to summon the elevator .

  4. 我踮起脚才勉强够着电钮。

    By standing on tip-toe , I managed to reach the button .

  5. 不论是什么人去按电钮,其效果都是一样的。

    The effect of pushing the button is the same no matter who does it .

  6. 这个电钮接通电流。

    This button switches the current on .

  7. 按下电钮,机器就能转动了。

    Press the button , then the machine will work .

  8. 我按了一下电钮,车床就开始转动起来。

    I pressed the button and the lathe began to turn .

  9. 一按电钮,大门就滑动开启。

    The gate slid opened at the push of a button .

  10. 容量通过小电钮是数字式控制的。

    Volume is digitally controlled by means of small push buttons .

  11. 如果你不能穿过,按退款电钮。

    Press the refund button if you can 't get through .

  12. 按一下遥控器上的电钮就可以定货。

    Place an order by pushing a button on your remote control .

  13. 只要一按电钮,机器就会开动。

    Just press the button and the machine will start .

  14. 你只需按“上升的”电钮就可以。

    You 'll have only to push the " up " button .

  15. 我按电钮把灯打开。

    I pushed the button to turn on the light .

  16. 你若需要什么,就请按这只电钮。

    N : If you need anything , just press this button .

  17. 按下电钮,门会自动打开。

    When you press the button , the door will open automatically .

  18. 一按电钮机器就发动了。

    The machine starts the instant the button is pressed .

  19. 如果你要电梯,就按电钮。

    Push the button if you want the elevator .

  20. 按一下电钮,轮子就会转动。

    Press the button and the wheel will turn .

  21. 他就是没按那个该按的电钮。

    He just hadn 't pressed the right knob .

  22. 如果出现紧急情况,按红色电钮。

    In an emergency , press the red button .

  23. 而现在按一下电钮,电脑就把这些事做了。

    The computers now do all that at the press of a button .

  24. 她按了电钮,电梯就停了。

    When she pressed the button the lift stopped .

  25. 你一按电钮,机器就开始动起来。

    As soon as the moment you press the button , the machine starts .

  26. 他走进电梯,按了去4层的电钮。

    He gets into the lift and pushes the button for the fourth floor .

  27. 只要电钮按对了,这一切都能召之即来。

    All this can be called up at the press of the right button .

  28. 按电钮以开动机器(开灯)。

    Push the button to start the machine ( to turn on the light ) .

  29. 他手按一个电钮,把命令传达到船员所在的岗位。

    And he pressed an electric button , transmitting an order to the crew 's quarters .

  30. 他按了一下启动电钮,发动机就轰的一声运转起来。

    He pushed the starter button , and the engine came to life with a roar .