
  • 网络Email Virus
  1. 传统的电子邮件病毒检测和清除通常是在客户端进行,存在着可管理性差,成本高,不能有效防止病毒邮件传播等问题。

    Email virus protection usually relies on antivirus software installed on client machines to detect and clean virus , which has been shown for its poor manageability , high cost and less of ability on preventing virus proliferation .

  2. 电子邮件病毒传播仿真模型及影响因素模拟

    Simulation model of E-mail virus propagation and simulation of its influence factors

  3. 该计划甚至可以抵消所有当前及未来的电子邮件病毒。

    The program can even neutralize all current and future email viruses .

  4. 电子邮件病毒防范研究

    Research of Email Anti Virus

  5. 电子邮件病毒以附件形式传播,通常会自动群发给被感染用户邮箱通讯薄里的所有人。

    An E-mail virus travels as an attachment , and usually automatically mails itself to all the people in the victim 's E-mail address book .

  6. 而此次通过电子邮件传播病毒的事件起于澳大利亚,但是专家警告称,很可能很快就会蔓延到世界其他地区。

    The latest email campaign started in Australia , but experts are warning this could quickly spread to the rest of the world .

  7. outlook通过限制访问这些对象,帮助防止电子邮件蠕虫和病毒恶意使用对象模型。

    By restricting access to these objects , outlook helps to prevent e-mail worms and viruses from using the object model for malicious purposes .

  8. 帮助保护您的计算机不受随电子邮件发送的病毒的危害。

    Help protect your computer from viruses sent by e-mail .

  9. 电子邮件系统防病毒实现

    Effectuation of preventing electronic mail system from virus

  10. 如果已经通过电子邮件发送了病毒,还可以创建路径规则以阻止用户运行邮件附件。

    If a virus has been sent through e-mail , you can also create a path rule to prevent users from running mail attachments .

  11. 这样可以确保任何要发送和接收的电子邮件都不包含病毒。

    This ensures that any emails being sent or received do not contain viruses .

  12. 一家公司里的数百台计算机因为发送电子邮件附件而感染病毒,这是十分平常的事。

    It was often the case that in the same company hundreds of computers would have viruses because the employees had opened email attachments containing these viruses .

  13. 其次,对来历不明的电子邮件,不要贸然打开以防止通过电子邮件传染病毒。

    Second , you should not open e-mail from unknown sources rashly , so that no virus can have access to your computer through e-mails .