
  • 网络cell;Batteries;battery cell
  1. CMP电池采用进口原装高容量电芯,电池满充电后使用时间比原配电池时间长,放电平台高。

    CMP battery uses the imported , original and high-capacity cell , after full charge of the battery , the using time is longer than the original , and the platform of discharge is high .

  2. 通过电芯筛选和电路监测,可消除一致性带来的安全隐患。

    The hidden safety trouble caused by consistency could be eliminated by selecting the cell and circuit monitoring .

  3. 干电池电芯粉pH值的控制与检测

    Control and Test of the pH of Bobbin Powder in Zn-Mn Battery

  4. 福岛两家生产锂离子可充电电池电芯的工厂就属于索尼能源设备(SonyEnergyDevice),在地震发生后立刻被关闭。

    Two factories that produce Li-ion rechargeable battery cells in Fukushima belong to Sony Energy Device , and they were immediately shut down after the earthquake .

  5. 电芯质量直接影响电池的质量。

    The quality of anode ring affects the quality of battery directly .

  6. 本发明还公开一种使用该壳体的电芯。

    This invention also discloses a core using the shell .

  7. 产品中心:供应铝壳电芯,根据客户需求订货。

    Production center : Provide aluminium shell battery , order by the customer'demands .

  8. 电芯粉中总锰的测定

    Determination of Total Mn Contents in Battery Bobbin

  9. 减小方形锂离子电池电芯变形的卷绕控制技术研究

    Study on Winding Control Technique of Reducing the Square Lithium ion Battery Core Deformation

  10. 电芯的容量在一段时间后就会下降。

    The cells lose their capacity over time .

  11. 废旧电池电芯对煤粉助燃作用的试验研究

    Investigation on the combustion efficiency of pulverized coal blended with materials of waste battery

  12. 在干电池中用膨胀石墨代替乙炔黑作为电芯材料。

    The expansion graphite replaced acetylene black as electrical core material in dry battery .

  13. 笔记本电池采用进口高容电芯制造,使用时间长,质量稳定。

    Notebook batteries imported high capacity batteries , manufacture , use a long time and stable quality .

  14. 电芯成型质量稳定性是影响电池质量的决定性因素。

    Stability of the weight of cathode mix was the important factor of battery to control the quality .

  15. 或者甚至购买电芯,然后出售给下一个人,声称这是他们自己的产品。

      Or even buying the cell and selling it to the next person , claiming it is their own .

  16. 每个月每个电芯完全放电到一伏足以保持水晶结构在控制之下。

    A full discharge to one volt per cell once a month is sufficient to keep the crystal formation under control .

  17. 笔记本着火事件引发了对供应链以及一线采购商分配到大部分电芯的担忧。

    The laptop fires led to concern about supply and the allocation of large amounts of cells to the top tier customers .

  18. 全球只是几家大型电芯生产商,其中一家停产就会带来广泛影响。

    There are only a few large cell manufacturers , and the effect of having one of them lose capacity is far reaching .

  19. 可以通过改变材料、改进结构、提高加工精度,提高电芯成型机的综合性能。

    The synthetic performance of the machine could be ( improved ) by changing materials , reforming device structure and increasing artifactitious precision .

  20. 但由于收卷电机控制的方形卷针的特殊形状影响,造成了在收卷过程中过大的线速度波动范围,从而导致电芯严重变形。

    However , the special shape of square needle leads to a large linear velocity range , then the deformation of the batteries .

  21. 本文讨论了电解液组分、锰碳比、电芯含水量及电芯重量等因素对高功率铵型锌锰电池放电性能的影响。

    Some factors including the electrolyte , the ratio of manganese dioxide to carbon , moisture content and the weight of the battery bobbins affecting the properties of high-power ammonium chloride battery were discussed .

  22. 赫斯曼表示,波音在认证过程中发现,电池的一个电芯发生故障,可能导致飞机每飞行1000万小时电池冒烟一次。

    Ms Hersman said Boeing had assessed during the certification process that a failure in a single battery cell was likely to result in smoke emission from the battery once every 10m flight hours .

  23. 由于石墨界面主导了离子转移电阻及活化能,导致低温下电芯充电时,负极表面容易析锂,造成不可逆容量损失。

    Because the graphite electrode dominates interfacial charge transfer resistance and its activation energy , lithium trends to be plating on the graphite , causing irreversible capacity loss for a cell during a charge process at low temperatures .

  24. 评估模块主要是通过客户给定的尺寸与要求,经过遵守6σ质量控制标准的原理设计,科学的给出各个要求的富余量,从而定出电芯内部设计的尺寸及工艺要求。

    Evaluation module is given by the size and customer requirements , quality control standards through compliance with the principle of 6a design , scientific surplus given the amount of each required to determine the size of batteries and the internal design process requirements .

  25. 电连接器芯数范围从3芯到8芯,连接方式为螺纹式,针孔的连接方式为焊接式,压接式和PCB式。

    The QTY of contacts is3-pin to8-pin , the connection method for the thread type , pinhole connections for welding type , press-fit and PCB type .

  26. 研究了压电涂层PMMA纤芯塑料光纤中的相位调制。

    The phase modulation within piezoelectric coating PMMA core plastic optical fiber ( POF ) is demonstrated .

  27. 涩-宁-兰管道工程中的焊条电弧焊和药芯焊丝半自动焊混合焊接工艺

    SMAW and flux-cored electrode semi-automatic welding technology in Se-Ning-Lan pipeline engineering