
xínɡ zhènɡ shóu zhǎnɡ
  • Chief Executive;executive head;chief administrative officer
  1. 作为领导组织行政首长的秘书长

    Secretary-General in his capacity as the executive head of the lead organization

  2. 分区域组织和亚太经社会行政首长协商会议

    Consultative Meeting among the Executive Heads of Subregional Organizations and ESCAP

  3. 各国货运业者协会行政首长会议

    Meeting of the Chief Executives of National Freight Forwarders Associations

  4. 行政首长应当出庭应诉吗?&在司法的技术、权能与功能之间

    Should Chief Executive Plead in Court ? Among Judicial Technique , Power and Function

  5. 但行政首长负责制的缺点也是明显的。

    But this plan also has obvious drawbacks .

  6. 行政首长媒体事务处非政府事务联络股股长

    Executive Media Service Chief , Non-Governmental Affairs Liaison

  7. 行政首长负责制的更新与发展

    Renewal & Development of Chief Executive Responsibility System

  8. 海关行政首长区域会议(海关首长会议)歌唱家首先唱了一首流行的民歌。

    Customs Heads of Administration Regional Meeting The singer led off with a popular ballad .

  9. 行政首长出庭应诉制度缺乏法律依据。

    This institutions lack of legal basis .

  10. 港口管理局行政首长会议

    Meeting of Chief Executives of Port Authorities

  11. 而我国目前的法律并没有规定行政首长必须出庭应诉。

    In China , the current law does not provide the responding to the Chief Executive .

  12. 其次构建以行政首长为重点的自上而下的公务员责任追究制度。

    Secondly , to build the Chief Executives focus on top-down system of civil service accountability .

  13. 第二章阐释行政首长问责制的内涵和理论基础。

    The second chapter explains the connotation and the theoretical basis of Chief Executive Accountability System .

  14. 区域污染物总量可纳入各级政府和相关部门行政首长政绩考核中。

    Effective gross control of regional pollutants should be a criterion for all responsible senior level government officials .

  15. 我还与尽可能多的伙伴组织和非政府组织行政首长举行了个人会谈。

    I have also held personal meetings with as many executive heads of partner organizations and NGOs as possible .

  16. 这一部分分别分析了行政首长出庭应诉制度的概念、制度现状、实施状况以及理论界对此制度的争议。

    This part analyzes the concept of the system , system status , implementation status , and theorists dispute for this system .

  17. 为了解决这个问题,很多地方以层级不一的地方性规范创设了行政首长出庭应诉制度,要求行政机关的正职领导或者副职领导必须出庭应诉。

    In order to solve this problem , many different locals create a system that the chief executive leadership Or the deputy leadership must appear in court .

  18. 问责对象是被追究责任者,本文指各级行政首长。

    The object of accountability is the one whose liability being investigated , who in this paper refers to the chief of administrative department of all levels .

  19. 我想向你们保证,我准备以本组织技术和行政首长的身份采取严格的财政纪律措施。

    And I want to assure you that I am prepared to exercise strict financial discipline in my capacity as chief technical and administrative officer of this Organization .

  20. 但是我国现行的法律并没有对此项制度作出明确的规定,而在现实的司法实践中,行政首长的出庭率也极其低下。

    But Chinese current law does not explicitly provide for such a system , so in the judicial practice , the Chief Executive of the appearance rate is extremely low .

  21. 行政首长问责制既是行政管理领域重要的理论问题,又是行政体制改革面临的现实课题。

    Chief Executive Accountability System is not only an important theoretical problem in the field of the administrative management , but a practical issue in the reform of the administrative system .

  22. 而对行政首长连带责任有限性的探讨,有助于确定连带责任的范围,促进连带责任在现实政治生活中的实现。

    The discussion of the limitation of executive heads ' joint liabilities , contributes to establishing the scope of joint responsibility , promote the achievement of joint responsibility in real political life .

  23. 从法院的角度考虑,多数法官认为行政首长出庭应诉制度的施行有利于保证人民法院正确的行使审判权,提高行政审判的效率。

    From the perspective of the court , the majority of the judges hold that the chief executive will ensure that people ' court properly exercise jurisdiction , and to improve the efficiency of administrative adjudication .

  24. 为了今后水调工作的顺利开展,建议:黄河水量调度实行行政首长负责制和断面流量控制责任制;

    In order to successfully regulate the water , it suggests that water regulation of the Yellow River should be carried out by responsible system of chief executives and cross section discharge controlled by system of job responsibility .

  25. 联合国系统行政首长协调委员会(行政首长协调委员会)-纽约,美国市政总署署长是临时市政局的首席行政人员,也是市政总署的首长。

    United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination ( CEB ) - New York , USA The Director of Urban Services was the council 's principal executive officer as well as the head of the Urban Services Department .

  26. 建立地方行政首长环保考核并一票否决制度;完善环境信息公开制度;建立环境公益诉讼制度;建立科学的环境教育评价制度。

    Setting up assessment of heads of local administration and one-vote veto system ; improving the open system environment information ; the establishment of environmental public interest litigation system ; setting up a scientific evaluation system for environmental education .

  27. 通过对官员的调研结果,34.5%的官员认为行政首长出庭应诉可以改善政府依法行政,48.3%的行政官员对此制度是否可以改善政府依法行政表现的相对消极。

    The results of the investigation by officials show that 33.3 % of the officers think that the Chief Executive can improve administration according to law , and 46.7 % of the officials hold the passive attitude for whether this system can improve the performance of the government .

  28. 对我省河道管理现状及存在的问题作了认真分析,提出了一些可取性建议,即加强管理,实行行政首长负责制,建立流域管理体系,建设服务执法队伍等。

    This paper conscientiously analyzes the present situation and existing problems of river channel management in Shanxi Province , puts forward some desirable suggestions , such as strengthening management , carrying out responsibility system of administrative leader , establishing catchment management system , and constructing service and law enforcement ranks .

  29. 答:内阁是由行政部门首长组成。

    It is composed of the heads of the executive departments of the government .

  30. 作为本组织的行政和技术首长,我必须承担个人责任。

    As the chief administrative and technical officer of this Organization , I must accept personal responsibility .