
  1. 配重行走式架桥机是公路桥梁的架梁设备之一。

    Counterpoised travelling bridge-erecting machine is used for the erection of roads and bridges .

  2. 自动行走除雪机的研究

    Study on Automatic Guiding Snow Sweeping Vehicle

  3. 针对配重行走式架桥机的实际工作过程,分析了基础桥面梁体的受力状况,并对其承重能力进行了试验研究。

    In light of the practical working producedure of the machine , the forces on foundation beams of bridge floor are analyzed and the load-bearing capability of these beams are studied by experimentation .

  4. 县挂行走式浇注机是一种新型的适用于铸造车间熔化工部浇注生产线上的专用机械浇注机,可大大减轻工人劳动强度,提高劳动生产力。

    The hanging and stepping run machine is a new and special run machine adapted for the run line in the melt work of the foundry workshop , and it can greatly reduce work force and increase productivity .

  5. 履带行走机构是掘进机的重要部件,是整机稳定性的基础,因此其支重结构也尤为重要。

    Crawler is an important part of the development machine , it is steady foundation with the complete machine , wherefore its bearing structure is very important too .

  6. 该类型挖坑机工作稳定性差,使用范围小。针对传统挖坑机的缺点,本课题将研发一种高性能、低成本、高效率新型行走式植树挖坑机。

    In order to solving these problems of traditional digging machine , this paper will research and development a high performance , low cost , high efficient working type digging machine for planting tree .