
  • 网络the election day;voting day;polling day
  1. 在选举日,那位政客在街上与选民们热情握手。

    The politician went down the street or election day giving everyone the glad hand .

  2. 然而,当我在选举日发表演讲时,人们的反应却和我想象的不一样。很少有人真的在听。

    However , when I gave my speech on Election Day , the response wasn 't what I had pictured . Few people actually listened .

  3. 12月1日被指定为选举日。

    1 December has been nominated as the day of the election .

  4. 人民法院的判决书,应当在选举日前送达选举委员会和起诉人,并通知有关公民。

    The written judgment of the people 's court shall be served on the election committee and the party who brings the suit before the election day ; other citizens concerned shall be notified of the judgment .

  5. 一位CNN政治记者表示美国人将在选举日不知道谁当选下一届总统的情况下醒来。

    A CNN political reporter says Americans will wake up on election day not knowing who their next president will be .

  6. 选举日大量见证了这种乐观情绪。

    Election Day is bringing a lot of that sentiment out .

  7. 许多党的忠诚分子在选举日受挫。

    Many party stalwarts dropped by the wayside on election day .

  8. 于是就这样到了命运攸关的选举日。

    And so to the fateful day of the election .

  9. 在巴西,选举日是节日,狂欢节般的气氛。

    In Brazil , election day is a festive , carnival-type atmosphere .

  10. 这意味着报告不太可能在美国选举日之前发布。

    That means the report is unlikely to come before Election Day .

  11. 在美国选举日的来到了。

    In the U.S. that means it 's election day .

  12. 12月1日被指定为选举日。

    I December has been nominated as the day of the election .

  13. 我会在选举日那天去投票处投票。

    I 'm going to vote at the polls on Election Day .

  14. 人们认为只有选举日那天的选举才作数。

    The only poll that counts , supposedly , is election day .

  15. 安全问题,可以在选举日决定。

    So security could be a deciding issue on the election day .

  16. 英国传统的投票选举日是星期四。

    Thursday is traditionally the day when Britain goes to the polls .

  17. 选举日是11月6日,民调显示两人势均力敌。

    The election is November sixth . Opinion surveys have being showing a

  18. 候选人们直到选举日之前一直在游说拉票。

    The candidates canvassed right up to election day .

  19. 选举日当天你会在哪里投票?

    On election day , where do you vote ?

  20. 6月5日已被确定为选举日。

    5th June has been nominated as election day .

  21. 在选举日,再次投票给你们的总统。

    On election day , reelect the president .

  22. 而将这一难题迎刃而解的是一次全国性的选举日。

    One Election Day nationwide solve that problem .

  23. 去国会选举日投票之后,我在一家面包店前停了下来。

    To Congress After voting on Election Day , I stopped at a bakery .

  24. 他们在选举日不停地转动和进行评估!

    They gyrate and g-rate on election day !

  25. 今天是美国中期选举日。

    It 's Election Day in America .

  26. 因为他们不希望11月1日成为选举日。

    Because they wanted to prevent election day from falling on the first of november .

  27. 想想选举日当天有数以百万计的人们投票,

    Think about the millions of folks who got out to vote on Election Day ,

  28. 美国宪法规定选举日在整个国家必须一致。

    The U.S. Constitution says that Election Day must be the same throughout the country .

  29. 但是,在选举日必须停止对代表候选人的介绍。

    However , the introduction of the candidates shall be stopped on the date of election .

  30. 人们在选举日投在箱子里的东西可以改变历史的走向。

    What people put into the box on election day can change the course of history .