
  1. 首先,要求任命一名特别检察官接管“通俄门”调查的呼声将越来越高。

    The first is that calls will mount to appoint a special prosecutor to take over the Russia investigation .

  2. 他有多大可能性选出一个继续完成科米未竞的“通俄门”调查的独立人物?

    What are the chances he selects an independent figure who will pick up the Russia investigation where Mr Comey left off ?

  3. 既然炒掉了行政分支内唯一正在进行的“通俄门”调查的负责人,那么特朗普现在将开始寻找科米的接替者。

    Having fired the head of the only Russia investigation taking place within the executive branch , Mr Trump will now conduct a search for Mr Comey 's replacement .

  4. 不过直到周二晚上还在主持特朗普竞选团队“通俄门”(涉嫌勾结俄罗斯以影响去年大选)调查的科米,本周才刚刚披露了他的错误表述。

    Yet Mr Comey , who until Tuesday night was overseeing the investigation into the Trump campaign 's alleged collusion with Russia to influence last year 's election , only disclosed his misstatement this week .