
tōnɡ ɡuò lǜ
  • Passing rate;percent of pass
  1. 我们的国家普通职业资格考试的通过率为90%。

    We have a 90 cent pass rate for GNVQs .

  2. 这个报告默认情况下显示了Web服务调用成功的的百分比,以及您的测试套件中验证点的通过率。

    This report , by default , shows the percentage of Web service calls that were successful , and the pass percentage for each type of verification point you have in your suite .

  3. 选择重传ARQ系统的通过率

    Throughput Efficiency of Selective-Repeat ARQ Schemes Choice

  4. 吻合口神经纤维通过率、吻合口远端轴突截面积均有显著性差异(P<0.05,P<0.01)。

    Moreover , there were great improvement of axon cross rate and the recovery rate of sectional area of nerve fiber at the distal end in glue adhesion group ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 在学校使用EdX课程之前,这门课的不通过率高达41%。

    Before the school incorporated edX , the failure rate for that course had been a whopping 41 percent .

  6. 该文利用有效到达径上信道参数的估计值,统计其包络的电平通过率(levelcrossingrate,LCR),据此估计出时变多径信道的多普勒频移。

    In this paper , the Doppler-shift of the time-varying multi-path channel is estimated by calculating the Level Crossing Rate ( LCR ) of the signal envelope of the channel coefficient estimates on the effective fingers .

  7. 在企业级,发布RSA的模式目录以及共享模式库可以提高通过率,可以使得IT设计更加可靠与灵活。

    Publishing a pattern catalog with RSA and sharing the library of patterns on an enterprise level increases adoption rate which results in more reliable and flexible IT design .

  8. 各组间DPOAE与TEOAE的筛查通过率差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);

    The screening pass-rate appeared significantly different between DPOAE and TEOAE in all groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

  9. 论文给出了接收信号包络的概率密度函数,同时也给出了两个高阶统计量:电平通过率(LCR)和平均衰落时间(ADF)。

    The paper gives the probability density function of the envelope of received signal and the approximate expressions of Level-Crossing Rate and Average Duration Fades .

  10. 一种Ⅱ型H-ARQ差错控制方案及通过率性能分析

    Type - ⅱ Hybrid ARQ Error control Scheme and Performance Analysis of Throughput

  11. 结论性别、耳别、出生体重以及分娩方式对TEOAE筛查通过率有影响。

    CONCLUSION The effective factors of TEOAE on newborn hearing screening are gander , ears , born weight and parturition mode .

  12. 由此可见,新生儿在出生后4天或更长时间用DPOAE筛查的通过率高且稳定,达到93.5%以上。

    In our study , it is found that the passing rates of DPOAE are high and steady when four days or more time after born , approximately over 93.5 % .

  13. Kickstarter会对项目进行预审(审查通过率约为75%),然后免费放在网站上向公众筹集资金,时间最长可达60天。

    KickStarter vets projects in advance ( accepting about 75 % of applicants ) and hosts the campaigns , which can last up to 60 days , for free .

  14. 仿真和计算结果表明,与采用固定冗余递增策略的自适应调制混合ARQ系统相比,该系统在保证较高的数据通过率的前提下,大大降低了系统传输时延。

    The calculation and simulation results in the paper show , comparing to the ordinary incremental redundancy hybrid ARQ systems with adaptive modulation , the AM-LD-IR system can provide a little higher throughput efficiency and can reduce much transmission delay .

  15. 再生轴突的通过率随吻合手术时间的延长不断增加,28d时,少量再生的轴突长入受神经,其再生轴突横截面积恢复率是27.7%、42d为38.4%、56d时达61.2%和84d的63.3%。

    The area of regeneration nerve axon was 27.7 % , 38.4 % , 61.2 % and 63.3 % on 28 , 42 , 56 and 84 day respectively .

  16. 虽然实验中的导电箔对电子束的通过率只有0.88,但结果表明导电箔对RKA的束流有一定聚焦作用,不影响束流群聚过程。

    Although the transparancy of the foils to the beam is only 0.88 , the results show that the foils do not affect the beam bunching process .

  17. 分析结果表明,这个ARQ系统在信道噪声高,信道往返延迟大时,仍具有很高的通过率及很高的可靠性。

    The results show that the throughput efficiencies of this scheme both with infinite receiver buffer and finite receiver buffer are higher than other ARQ schemes and the reliability is higher too than other ARQ schemes when the channel is noisy and the round trip delay is large .

  18. 结果表明,其误码率与SW或GBNARQ的误码率相近,通过率比SWARQ的通过率高得多,接近于GBNARQ的通过率。

    The result showed that a error rate of the system is similar to a error rate of SW or GBN ARQ strategy , that its throughput is much higher than that of SW ARQ strategy and similar to a throughput of GBN ARQ strategy .

  19. 本文分析了在全连通网络下不同分组长度、节点数和重发限制下ABF-TDMA的通过率和时延。

    We ana - lyze the throughput and delay of ABF-TDMA for the case of a fully connected network assuming variable-length pack - ets , different number of nodes and retry limit .

  20. 结果表情识别题中,HFA组通过率明显低于正常组(P<0.01),AS组与正常组无显著差异;

    Result In the facial recognition test , the pass rate of HFA group was significantly lower than that of normal control ( NC ) ( p < 0 . 01 ) , while AS group was no significant difference from NC group ;

  21. 仿真结果显示,ABF-TDMA可以获得高通过率、低时延、较小的时延抖动和丢包率,特别是分组长度较长和节点数较多情况下。

    Simulation results show that ABF-TDMA can achieve high throughput , low delay , small delay jitter and packet loss ratio , especially when the average packet length and number of nodes are large .

  22. 单因素分析发现多胎、外耳畸形、窒息病史、低体重、高胆红素血症、早产、阿氏评分<7分等因素与新生儿TEOAE筛查通过率相关。

    Prevalence of neonatal hearing disorders was 6.9 ‰ ( 32 / 4666 ) . Deformity of external ear , many fetus , asphyxiation , low-weight , hyperbilirubinemia , premature and Apgar scores < 7 had significant effect on the prevalence rate of the Single factor analysis .

  23. 提高大学英语四级通过率的措施探讨

    Discussion on the Measures of Improving the Passing Rate of CET4

  24. 在本测试概述中是100%通过率。

    It is a100 % pass in this test scenario .

  25. 电子跳跃结构场发射阴极的电子通过率研究

    Study on the Electron Transfer Rate of Field Emission Hopping Electron Cathode

  26. 谈如何提高计算机等级考试通过率

    On Effective Strategies of Raising the Passing Rate of NCRE

  27. 加强词汇教学,提高英语四、六级通过率

    College English Vocabulary Teaching and the Pass Rate of CET-4 / 6

  28. 应用胎面预成型技术提高轿车子午线轮胎动平衡检测通过率

    Improving Dynamic Unbalance of Passenger Car Tire with Preformed Tread

  29. 影响大学英语四级通过率的因素及对策

    Factors affecting passing rate of College English Test Band Four and strategies

  30. 添加验证点(检查测试下每一个页面的通过率)。

    Add verification points ( to examine the passing rate of each page under test )