
  • 网络garden center;Gardening Center;garden centre
  1. 美国、英国、德国等几个国家的花园中心都经过了几十年甚至是上百年的发展,积累了许多成功的经验。

    The Garden Center of America , the UK and Germany have developed for decades or even centuries and accumulated much successful experience .

  2. 接着总结了国外花园中心的发展经验,主要包括:选址、卖场布局、产品布置、促销策略、电子商务、品牌以及团队建设等。

    After that , it summer up the experience of foreign Garden Center which include the location and layout of Garden Center , the display of products , the promotion strategy , ecommerce , branding , team management and so on .

  3. 前几天我们在花园中心见过面

    We spoke the other day at the garden centre ...

  4. 花园中心,下着雨。

    It 's raining at the garden centre .

  5. 第一条规则,不要在商店或者花园中心计划你的花园。

    Rule # 1-don 't plan your garden or landscaping at the nursery or garden center .

  6. 在世界上家庭园艺发达的国家,其花园中心的发展已基本成熟。

    The garden centers have been developed in those countries whose home gardening is developed very well .

  7. 常青花园中心街

    Center Street of Changqing Garden

  8. 你可以从花园中心购买玫瑰,或者通过邮购的方式。

    Next month our neighBorhood service centre will Begin to provide the service of Buying agent for mail order .

  9. 买了门票(400日元)之后,我从东南口前往花园中心的一片开阔的空地。

    After paying admission ( 400 yen ) I headed from the southeast entrance to a huge open expanse in the center of the garden .

  10. 分析昆明的风景旅游资源,依据城市的发展定位,提出昆明市建设国家园林城市和国际花园中心城市的战略目标。

    This article analyzes the tourism resources of Kunming , and proposes the strategic objective that Kunming should construct itself to be a national garden city and an international central garden city on basis of its urban development orientation .

  11. 参加花园城中心不定期为会员举办的各种会员活动。

    Members are entitled to participate in all kinds of activities for all members on an irregular base .

  12. 请消费者持当日有效消费凭据,在花园城中心总服务台录入积分。

    Customers are kindly requested to take the valid receipt to have their respective bonus points booked into the registration records at the information desk of Garden City Center .

  13. 花园城中心将不定期举办积分兑换活动,活动期间会员按消费积分所达等级兑换相应的礼品。

    Irregular activities shall be held at Garden City Center for the point redemption , during which members can get the corresponding gifts according to the level of their total bonus points .

  14. 因此,他们把这个眼中钉改造成了露台花园的中心装饰。这个花园也设计有日本枫树、杨叶桦和花楸树林以及一棵常青树,在圣诞节期间,这棵树还可通过内置式轨道被推到起居室窗户的黄金位置。

    So they transformed the eyesore into the centerpiece of their terrace garden , which also features a grove of Japanese maple , gray birch and serviceberry trees , and an evergreen that can be pushed on a built-in track to a prime spot at their living room window at Christmas .

  15. 该建筑形成了一个围绕一个中心内的“花园”的中心特点的是一个U形游泳池。

    The building forms a U-shape around a central inner " garden " the central feature of which is a kidney-shaped swimming pool .

  16. 山东淄博世纪花园社区服务中心的设计

    Design of Zibo Century Garden Community Service Center

  17. 在这块花园的正中心,我也以为应当有一座美好的小山,由三级梯磴上达,每一级底顶上留出一圈平地来,其阔足以容四人并肩而行;

    I wish also , in the very middle , a fair mount , with three ascents , and alleys , enough for four to walk abreast ;

  18. 当局称,于周一晚在新泽西花园州广场购物中心开火的枪手已经身亡。

    Authorities say the man who opened fire in New Jersey 's Garden State Plaza Mall Monday night is dead .

  19. 亮点2:法式花园在展馆的中心有一个法式的花园,花园中溪潺潺,能起到降温的作用。

    Highlight 2 : French-style Garden In the center of the structure stands a French-style garden , with streams flowing alongside .

  20. 他挥了挥手,指了指花园、条件设置中心大楼、躲在灌木丛里和在草地上奔跑的赤裸的孩子。

    With a wave of his hand he indicated the gardens , the huge building of the Conditioning Centre , the naked children furtive in the undergrowth or running across the lawns .