
  • 网络huayuan county;Huayuan Comt;Huayuan Condado;Huayuan Grafschaft
  1. 花垣县矿产资源开发利用战略探讨

    Strategy Study of development and utilization of minerals source in the Huayuan County

  2. 花垣县渔塘铅锌矿区铅锌主要来源的探讨

    An inquiry on the primary origin of lead and zinc in Yutang lead & zinc ore deposits of Huayuan County

  3. 因此,对花垣县的耕地要大量加强钾肥、磷肥的施入;要增加土层厚度;要改善土壤质地;加强排灌设施建设。

    Therefore , the Huayuan County has to substantially improve potash , heavily apply phosphate fertilizer , increase the layer thickness , improve the soil texture and strengthen the irrigation and drainage facilities as .