
  1. 你不必成为一名花语者(plantwhisperer),也能在这一领域有所作为。

    You don 't have to be a plant whisperer to enjoy success in this endeavor .

  2. 蒲公英的花语是无法停留与永不窒息的爱。

    The love that can not stay and won 't die .

  3. 因此,它的花语就是-华丽。

    Therefore , its floral language is flamboyance .

  4. 自贡花语生物科技有限公司是一家以研发,生产,销售花草茶一体的公司。

    Is a research and development , production , marketing flowers and tea one company .

  5. 各种蔷薇花语有:红蔷薇代表热恋;

    Each kind of rose language includes : Red wild rose representative is in love ;

  6. 康乃馨的通俗花语:康乃馨通常象征魅力、特别和爱。

    The most common meanings assigned to the carnation are fascination , distinction and love .

  7. 关于银莲花的花语的由来是源自希腊的神话。

    The origin of the beautiful words about silver-colored lotus is to come from Greek myth .

  8. 于是我想起了花语,康乃馨的花语是祝福,我选择了它。

    So I thought of Flower , Flower Carnation is the blessing , I chose it .

  9. 我说这话,免得有人以巧言花语欺骗你们。

    Now this I say , that no man may deceive you by loftiness of words .

  10. “我不应该听信它的话,”有一天他对我倾吐心事:“任何人都不应该听从花言花语;

    " I ought not to have listened to her ," he confided to me one day .

  11. 别因为别人残忍的一些花语,就伤害到你自己;

    If someone said a thing that 's cruel , don 't let it get to you ;

  12. 花园路,花语公寓缤纷绽放,生活如我想象,看我72变

    Garden Road , Whisper apartment Trend blooming life , as I imagine , I can change * 72

  13. 这种象征意义来源于维多利亚时期流行的“花语”。

    This symbolism derives from the rose 's meaning in the language of flowers common in Victorian times .

  14. 著有诗集《风带我走》、散文诗集《花语》、剧本《紫纱魅影》等。

    Her works include a poetry collection named Wind Takes Me Away and a play named Charm of Purple Veil etc.

  15. 康乃馨不同的颜色代表不同的花语:和其它花一样,康乃馨不同的花色代表着不同的花语。

    Color Meaning Just like many other flowers , the meaning of carnation changes with the color of the flower .

  16. 玫瑰花的花语按照数量里说的话,一朵代表惟一的爱;

    The meaning of the number of the rose is : one rose means you re my one and only love ;

  17. 或许就是由于这番神奇的、有先知意味的传说,所以银莲花的花语也可以解释为预言。

    Perhaps it 's because of this magical and prophetic tales that today in the language of flowers , anemones represent anticipation .

  18. 如果说,薰衣草的花语是等待爱情的话,那么普罗旺斯的那一大片紫色的海洋,是否意味着无望的爱?

    If lavender tells us to wait for love , does that endless purple ocean of lavender in Provence imply the hopeless love ?

  19. 或许,一般的路人,会认为我的玫瑰花&那一朵属于我的玫瑰花的花语和你们是一样的。

    To be sure , an ordinary passer-by would think that my rose looked just like you – the rose that belongs to me .

  20. 了解一些花语,精心挑选:栀子花象征着暗恋;兰花总是那么可人,代表美丽和优雅;而黄玫瑰代表友谊。

    Do someresearch choose carefully ; gardenias denote secret love , orchids arealways lovely , showing beauty and refinement , while yellow roses mean friendship .

  21. 心绪点点,曾经写满深情的花语,隐藏的心事,随着花香透过夜气,湿了相思的眼。

    Little mind was filled with deep feeling of Flower , hidden feelings , with the flowers through the night air , wet eyes Acacia .

  22. 看来花语,花儿究竟有没有语,还要看人本身。

    However , I seem to no pick one , and she does not wear it , holding the flowers still , she walks forward .

  23. 不同的花卉有不同的花语,结合不同的人物形象,反映不同人物的境遇和内心性格。

    Different kinds of flowers have their own distinct language , and when integrated with different figures , it will reflect unique situations and innermost feelings .

  24. 红宝石和玫瑰是天作之合,玫瑰是“爱情之花”,它的花语是:热情真爱。

    The ruby and the rose are a heaven-made match , the rose is " flower of love ", its flower language is : Fervency is loved really .

  25. 文章从花语的含蓄性、丰富性、情感性、象征性等方面阐述了现代花语的审美构成与审美特性,并分析了现代流行花语提炼与升华的空间。

    This paper expounds the aesthetic components and characteristics of modern flower means with aspect to its implication , richness , emotionality and symbolism , and analyzes the refinement and the sublimation of the modem prevalent flower means .