
huā jiang
  • gardener;florist;floriculturist;mali
花匠 [huā jiàng]
  • [florist;gardener] 以养花为业的人

花匠[huā jiang]
  1. 花匠的儿子递上他的礼物。

    The florist 's son handed her a gift .

  2. 酒店里有花匠吗?

    Is there a florist in the hotel ?

  3. 我们雇了个花匠,每周工作两天。

    We employ a gardener two days a week .

  4. 花匠憋了一个早上的愤怒终于爆发了。

    The gardener exploded with the rage that had simmered all morning

  5. 农民和花匠都知道,冬天越暖和,作物的生长季节便越长。

    Any farmer or gardener knows that a milder winter means a longer growing season .

  6. 我有比教训坏脾气的花匠更重要的事情要做

    I have more important things to do than petulant florists .

  7. 李甫西大夫不喜欢这首歌。他抬起头来生气地看了老船长一眼,然后继续和老花匠泰勒聊天。

    Dr Livesey did not like the song.He looked up angrily before he went on talking to old Taylor , the gardener .

  8. 花匠的狗掉进了一口深井里,井旁边有绳子和桶,是花匠经常用来打水去浇花的工具,可无论用什么办法,他也没能把狗捞上来。于是,为了救小狗,花匠自己跳进了井中。

    The gardner 's dog fell into a deep well , from which his master used to draw water for the plants in his garden with a rope and a bucket . Failing to get the dog out by means of these , the gardener went down into the well himself in order to fetch him up .

  9. 他们租赁了真正的婚礼举办地点,雇佣了宴席承办者、花匠和DJ,让一切看上去与真正的婚礼一模一样。

    They rent out real wedding locations , hire caterers , florists , and DJs , and make everything look like a real wedding .

  10. 这个花匠领班细心养护着这些树苗。

    These young trees were carefully nursed by the head gardener .

  11. 他们雇用了一个保姆、一个清洁工和一个花匠。

    They employ a nanny , cleaner , and gardener .

  12. 在某一个公园里面,有一个很有智慧的花匠。

    There was once a very wise gardener in a certain park .

  13. 花匠在花园时剪枯叶。

    The gardener is snipping off the dead leaves in the garden .

  14. 花匠的工具放在小屋里。

    The gardener 's tools are kept in the shed .

  15. 他找到个兼职工作,当花匠。

    He got a part-time job as a gardener .

  16. 主人继续雇用他作花匠。

    The owner kept him on as a gardener .

  17. 十年以后,有一个英俊的年轻人来看这个花匠。

    Ten years later a young handsome man came to see the gardener .

  18. 我受过很好的花匠培训。

    I had a great training as a gardener .

  19. 花匠背着一把铁铲,以极平常的口吻回答说

    The gardener , spade on back , replied in the most unconcerned tone

  20. 她与花匠的儿子私奔了。

    She went off with the gardener 's son .

  21. 一些花匠喷洒药物来控制黑斑病。

    Some gardeners use spray to control black spot .

  22. 我们有一个厨子和一个花匠。

    We had a cook and a gardener .

  23. 我们找到了一个很出色的花匠。

    Our new gardener was a marvellous find .

  24. 他们上星期私奔了。她与花匠的儿子私奔了。

    They eloped last week . She went off with the gardener 's son .

  25. 这花匠把花扎成花束,每束售价两美元。

    The florist bunched the flowers and sold them at two dollars each bunch .

  26. 我是花匠的儿子!

    I 'm the son of the guardian !

  27. 你为什么要请个女花匠呢?

    why do you have a plant lady ?

  28. 你一定是那个花匠了。

    You got to be the flower man .

  29. 我认为背叛的说法可能是和花匠有关。

    It occurred to me that betrayal might have something to do with the gardener .

  30. 我正在同花匠接洽。

    I am engaged with the gardener .