
  • universal berth
  1. 岚山港通用泊位工程水下炸礁施工

    Underwater Reef Explosion Construction for the Lanshan Harbor Berthing Works

  2. 在南通港狼山三期通用散货泊位道堆工程中的应用表明,效果良好,可取代传统的水泥稳定土和二灰结石土。

    It gets good results in the road and yard project in the bulk berth of Nantong Port 's Langshan Terminal ( phase 3 ) .

  3. 根据对水质的监测结果和取水口附近底栖动物的调查结果,分析南通港两个通用散货泊位工程建设对下游狼山水厂取水口水质的影响。

    On the basis of monitoring results of water quality and benthos , the impacts of two generic bulk berths construction in Nantong Port on downstream water quality of water intake were analyzed .