
qiāng shāng
  • gunshot wound;bullet wound
枪伤 [qiāng shāng]
  • [bullet wound] 由枪弹所致的创伤

枪伤[qiāng shāng]
  1. 他左胸上有一处枪伤。

    He has a bullet wound in the left breast .

  2. 枪伤在他胸口上留下了疤。

    The bullet wound left a scar on his chest .

  3. 他们死于枪伤。

    They had died of gunshot wounds .

  4. 罪犯枪伤了警察,逃走了。

    The criminal gunned the policeman down and escaped .

  5. 医生给受了枪伤的人检查之后说:“他已经不行了。”

    When the doctor examined the man who had been shot , he said ," he 's had it . "

  6. 切开他肩上的枪伤进行治疗。

    The bullet wound in his shoulder was opened up for treatment .

  7. 医生治好了那位士兵腿部的枪伤

    The surgeon healed the soldier 's bullet wound in the leg .

  8. 这次事件中4名警察受了致命的枪伤。

    Four policemen were fatally shot in the incident .

  9. 我看过许多的枪伤患者,但是就只有阿扁的伤口没有上述情形,真是天佑台湾

    They have to be evaluated expeditiously , carefully with the patient fully UNDRESSED .

  10. 枪伤射击距离在0.5~3m之间。

    The firing distance was between 0.5 3 m.

  11. 据《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)报道,有3名参战民警负伤,其中两名民警身负枪伤,另一民警腿部被毒犯开车撞致粉碎性骨折,目前均在广州某医院治疗康复中。

    China Daily reported that two police officers were shot and one sustained a broken leg after being hit by a car driven by the drug traffickers . All three are recovering at a hospital in Guangzhou , it added .

  12. 海水组于海水中枪伤后救出,伤后0、6、12、24h进行伤道细菌检测和药敏试验。

    After the dogs undergoing gunshot wound in seawater were extricated , germ detection and medicament experimentation were performed at 0,4,6,8,12 and 24h respectively .

  13. Sara脱掉Sucre的衬衣,露出了他左边的一处倾斜的枪伤。

    Sara removes Sucre 's shirt , exposing a gun shot wound in his left oblique .

  14. 医生表示Rony身上共有三处枪伤,分别在手臂、胸部和臀部。

    Doctors said the teen was hit three times ; in the arm , chest and hip .

  15. 方法82例四肢霰弹枪伤参照Sherman和Ordog的方法,采用改良标准分型。伤道行切开、引流初期外科处理,创面闭合分别在初期、延期和二期三个时机。

    Methods 82 shotgun wounds of the extremities , classified according to the modified rule form Sherman and Ordog ′ s , were treated by incision and drainage initially , and were closed in primary , delay and later phase .

  16. 兔胸部枪伤瞬时及早期心功能的变化

    Instantaneous and early cardiovascular effects of firearm thoracic wound in rabbits

  17. 让他们留意一个枪伤病人。

    Tell them to be on the lookout for a gsv .

  18. 犯罪嫌疑人身负多处枪伤,处境艰难。

    The suspect is in critical condition with multiple gunshot wounds .

  19. 看看这处枪伤,贯穿性伤口。

    Look at this gunshot wound . it 's a through-and-through .

  20. 他不是因为枪伤才进的医院。

    He 's not in the hospital because he was shot .

  21. 没人告诉你电影里那些枪伤到底有多疼。

    Movies never say how much it hurts to get shot .

  22. 首先他得先治好枪伤。

    Well first he has to recover from the gun wound .

  23. 他的儿子名叫加斯,被发现因枪伤死于家中。

    His son Gus was found dead from a gunshot wound .

  24. 你在找这个?尤高斯基?肩部枪伤?

    You looking for this ? Yugorsky ? Gsw shoulder ?

  25. 那可能是她头上的枪伤。

    That could be an entry wound in her skull .

  26. 其实我是拿枪伤了我妻子。

    Actually I 'm accused of wounding my wife with a gunshot .

  27. 有人受枪伤,快叫救护车!

    Someone suffers from the bullet wound , call the ambulance quickly !

  28. 低温环境下枪伤对犬器官功能的影响

    Impact of gunshot wound on organ function of dogs in hypothermia environment

  29. 他的左臂受了枪伤。

    He has a bullet wound in the left arm .

  30. 你可以看到,这由3个可怕的枪伤。

    As you can see , we have three horrific gunshot wounds .