
qiāng xiè
  • firearms
枪械 [qiāng xiè]
  • [firearms] 枪的总称

枪械[qiāng xiè]
  1. 枪械CAD系统的研究开发

    Research and Development of Firearms CAD System

  2. 枪械包装箱用增强增韧阻燃PP的研制

    Preparation of reinforced flame retardant polypropylene blend used in firearms packing case

  3. 让守法的人持有枪械并不会惹麻烦。

    Gun ownership by law-abiding people was not a problem .

  4. 他否认持有枪械是为了抢劫。

    He denies possessing the gun with the intent to commit robbery .

  5. 基于SEA的枪械系统作战效能分析方法

    Effectiveness Analysis Method of Small Arms System Based on SEA

  6. 枪械自动机方案设计智能CAD技术研究

    Intelligent CAD in the design of automatic mechanisms in small arms

  7. 支持TEAMWORK的枪械CAD集成系统研究

    An integrated system for the CAD of small arms supporting teamwork

  8. RFID技术在枪械管理中的应用研究

    Research on RFID Technology for Firearms Management

  9. 本文主要介绍枪械CAD集成系统的系统结构、集成方式、小组的组建和系统运行机制。

    The small arms ' system structure , methods of integration , teamwork formation and systems ' motion mechanism are introduced .

  10. 暴力行为和犯罪活动会在任何地方发生,并且通常会涉及枪械或其它武器,英国外交部(BritishForeignOffice)对于赴巴西旅游的建议如是说道。

    Violence and crime can occur anywhere and often involve firearms or other weapons , the British Foreign Office travel advice on Brazil says .

  11. CBR技术在枪械方案设计专家系统中的应用

    Case-based Reasoning and its Application in Scheme Design of Small Arms Expert System

  12. 枪械CAD集成系统是面向枪械设计部门、支持TEAMWORK的集成系统。

    An integrated system for the CAD of small arms is an integrated system which faces the designing department and supports the teamwork .

  13. 首先归纳分析了MDO方法,给出其在枪械设计过程中的应用框架,在此基础上开发了应用平台。

    MDO 's means was introduced and application frame in the design process of small arms was given .

  14. 凶手亚当兰扎(adamlanza)从他母亲那里盗取了一系列枪械并首先杀害了她。

    The killer , Adam Lanza , stole a range of guns from his mother , whom he first murdered .

  15. 文章介绍了QPQ技术在枪械上的应用。

    This article introduces QPQ technology in the applications of firearms .

  16. 针对枪械产品的设计复杂性,结合多个学科领域优化的特点,提出应用多学科优化设计方法(MDO)来设计和优化武器产品。

    Aim at the design complexity of the small arms product and the feature of multidisciplinary design optimization , this paper presented a large scale optimization model of small arms system base on MDO technology .

  17. 枪械系统作战效能综合评估方法的研究

    Study of Synthetic Operation Effectiveness Evaluation Method for Small Arm System

  18. 我会去问烟酒枪械局,看他们知道多少。

    I 'll start with atf , see what they know .

  19. 我们比那(管枪械室的)强多了,你知道的。

    We 're better than that , and you know it .

  20. 他的巢穴有没有防卫?拥有枪械吗?

    Has he fortified his position ? Has he acquired firearms ?

  21. 枪械设计中的膛口噪声预测计算方法

    Predicted calculating method of muzzle noise in the firearms design

  22. 枪械又是如何影响美国暴力的性质的呢?

    And how do guns influence the nature of violence in America ?

  23. 染色体分层编码遗传算法及其在枪械设计中的应用

    Application of Layered Coding Genetic Algorithm to Modularized Design of Small Arms

  24. 校正枪械的技能是每个士兵应该具备的一种作战能力。

    Correcting firearms is an operational capability which each soldier should have .

  25. 射击规范与枪械寿命相关性技术分析

    Technical Analysis of Relativity of Shooting Criterions and Firearms Lifetime

  26. 基于模板匹配法的枪械射击准确度验收系统

    Firing accuracy acceptance based on image recognition of template matching

  27. 我是美国烟酒枪械管理署的。

    We 're with the Bureau of alcohol , tobacco and firearms .

  28. 枪械设计中的动作可靠性研究

    On Reliability of Mechanisms Actions in Design of Firearm

  29. 枪械产品可靠性建模方法研究

    Study on Methods for Establishing Guns ′ Reliability Model

  30. 枪械射击残留物分布密度的分形研究

    Fractal study on density distribution of gun shot residues