
qiāng tǒng
  • gun barrel;metal;tube
枪筒 [qiāng tǒng]
  • (1) [tube]∶枪膛外围的整个金属筒身

  • (2) [metal]∶枪管;特指两个瞄准器之间的枪管表面

枪筒[qiāng tǒng]
  1. 是储藏压缩空气的容器,上面有活塞,转动机件,便可以使空气流入枪筒。

    This served as a tank for the compressed air , which a trigger-operated valve could release into the metal chamber .

  2. 黑暗中只有他们枪筒的光亮可以辨认出来;一个可以分为四个发展阶段的计划;双胞胎之间可以辨别的差异。

    Only the shine of their metal was distinguishable in the gloom ; a project distinguishable into four stages of progress ; distinguishable differences between the twins .

  3. 准星与枪筒成一直线。

    The sight is aliened with the barrel .

  4. 死在他枪筒里的鸟儿数不胜数。

    There was no counting the number of birds that had died before his barrel .

  5. 同时在火把的反光之中,他们看到了一支马枪的枪筒。

    At the same time they saw the reflection of a torch on a carbine barrel .

  6. 准星瞄准武器的开火线准星与枪筒成一直线。

    The line of fire of an aimed weapon . The sight is aliened with the barrel .

  7. 安灼拉站在铺路石堆成的台阶上,一只臂肘靠着他的枪筒。

    Enjolras was standing erect on the staircase of paving-stones , one elbow resting on the stock of his gun .

  8. 它们通过对着口腔上腭的沟槽挤压舌头喷出水柱——就像利用枪筒那样。

    They produce the jets by pressing their tongue against a groove in the roof of their mouth , much like the barrel of a gun .

  9. 思嘉的全部神经充满了仇恨,就像那天她把枪筒对准那个长满络腮胡的北方佬面孔开火时似的。

    All her nerves hummed with hate , as they had hummed that day when she shoved the pistol barrel into the yankee 's bearded face and fired .

  10. 他一无子弹,二无利剑,手中只有一管枪筒,枪托已在侵入者的头上敲断了。

    Without cartridges , without sword , he had nothing in his hand now but the barrel of his gun whose stock he had broken over the head of those who were entering .