
  • 网络Communication Protocol;MODBUS;MODBUS RTU
  1. PLC自由通讯协议的实现

    Realization of PLC Free Protocol Communication

  2. 文中提出了一种在现有的嵌入式操作系统(RTOS)μC/OS-II上开发通讯协议栈的方法,并讨论了几个重要问题的实现方法。

    This paper proposes a method of designing protocol stack based on μ C / OS-II and discusses the implementation of several keys issues .

  3. 创建、编辑internet通讯协议安全性策略

    " Create , edit Internet Protocol Security policies "

  4. 介绍IBMPc机与单片机的通讯协议,并给出IBMPc机和单片机的通讯程序。

    The paper introduces the communication protocol programs of IBM PC and Microcontroller .

  5. PLC与各个设备同其特定的通讯协议,进行串口通信。

    PLC and various devices with their specific communication protocol for serial communication . 4 .

  6. 基于Petri网的通讯协议分析与实现

    Analysis and Realization of Communication Protocol Based on Petri Net

  7. 本文使用Adapter模式对组态软件中串口通讯协议部分实现复用。

    The paper use adapter pattern to reuse serial communicate software .

  8. UPS通用通讯协议的设计及软件实现

    Design and Software Implementation of a General UPS Communication Protocol

  9. 在方案中分析了企业即时消息的需求,并根据需求设计出使用XML描述的消息通讯协议、数据库实体关系结构、网络结构以及系统架构,并给出具体实现。

    I analyses the requirement of enterprise on which I design the message protocol based on XML and the data structure .

  10. NFS是建立在UDP/IP这两个标准Internet通讯协议上。

    NFS is based on a pair of standard Internet communication protocols called UDP / IP .

  11. 采用GPS秒脉冲同步的TDMA车辆定位通讯协议

    Vehicle Monitoring Communication Protocol on TDMA and GPS PPS Synchronization

  12. 不同类型的PLC有着不同的通讯协议,这给工业控制带来许多不便。

    It is not convenient to carry out industrial control since different types of PLC have different communication protocols .

  13. 通过对嵌入式WEB服务器的研究,制定相关的通讯协议,实现客户机与各种PLC的自由通讯。

    This paper establishes a kind of communication protocol which realizes free communication between client and PLC by studying the embedded web sever .

  14. Web技术在网格中的应用体现在:访问网格资源界面、通讯协议及建立网格门户网站等。

    For the application of Web technology in the Grid , it can visit the Grid resource interface , communication protocol and set up Grid Websites , etc.

  15. 基于Delphi的智能仪表通讯协议的DLL设计与实现

    Design and implementation of DLL based on Delphi in intelligent instrument protocol

  16. TCP/IP协议是目前网络操作系统中主要的通讯协议,也是Internet的通讯协议。

    TCP / IP agreement is a main communication agreement in the operating system of the network at present , is a communication agreement of Internet too .

  17. 你应该尽可能与至少两位的小组成员一起合作,除非你做的专题是M到N快速档案广播通讯协议。

    As far as possible , you should work in teams of two unless you are doing the M-to-N fast file transfer protocol project .

  18. 从而实现一种完全基于HTML,Web服务技术架构的,采用SOAP通讯协议的邮件收发系统。

    Hence this email distribution and reception system is realized based on the Html , Web service and SOAP communication protocol .

  19. 多种通讯协议在输油管线SCADA系统中的应用

    Application of Multifarious Protocols in a Transportation Pipeline SCADA System

  20. 第5章介绍了基于JAVA语言开发的PC机端软件设计,包括逻辑分析仪的面板、菜单设计,以及系统的通讯协议描述。

    Panel , menu design , and the communication protocol of the logic analyzer are introduced in chapter 5 based on JAVA language .

  21. 分析了工业以太网ETHERNET和现场总线PROFIBUS-DP的结构和通讯协议。

    Expatiates in detail on the network structure and communication protocol of Ethernet and Profibus-DP ;

  22. Modbus通讯协议在阀门电动装置测试系统中的应用

    Application of Modbus Protocol Used in Valve Electric Device Measurement System

  23. PROFIBUS通讯协议在纺丝线变频调速系统上的应用

    Application of PROFIBUS Communication Protocol on VVVF System of Spinning Production Line

  24. FMS中的CNC系统与主机的通讯协议及Petri网造型分析

    Communication Protocal between Host Comp-uter and CNC System in FMS and the Analy - sis by Petri Net Modelling

  25. 利用RS-485通讯协议实现PC机与单片机的多点通讯

    Multi-Point Communication Between PC and Microprocessor Using RS-485 Protocol

  26. LIN是一种新型低成本汽车车身网络低端通讯协议。

    LIN ( Local Interconnect Net ) is a new type of low-cost lower-end communication protocol of automotive body network .

  27. 通讯协议采用工业RS-485标准;

    Adopting communication protocol abiding byRS-485 industrial standard ;

  28. MODBUSRTU串行通讯协议在工业现场的应用

    Application of the Modbus RTU Series Communication Protocol in Industry

  29. 然后,利用局网通讯协议传送后,在对方CAD系统的屏幕上重现。

    And then , after we use the local network protocol to send it , the drawing can be reappear on the screen of the opposite CAD system .

  30. 文中研究了利用PLC自由口通讯协议实现两个S7-200控制站之间以及PLC与上位机之间的通讯。

    This paper investigated the application of user-defined protocol with freeport mode to realize the communication among S7-200 Control Sets and computer .