
  • 网络Approximation error
  1. 该方案取消了系统中M(q)已知及逼近误差平方可积的条件,并通过引入鲁棒自适应补偿项来消除建模误差和参数估计误差的影响。

    The approach does not require the M ( q ) to be known and the optimal approximation error to be square-integrable . The robust adaptive compensation term is adopted to minify the influence of modeling errors and parameter estimation errors .

  2. 在控制输入设计中,鲁棒控制项用于补偿逼近误差向量。

    Designed robust control terms are utilized to compensate the approximation error vectors in the control input .

  3. 该方法考虑了跟踪误差和逼近误差对参数自适应律的共同影响,并对模糊逼近误差和外扰采用H∞补偿控制。

    The adaptive law utilizes two type of errors in the adaptive fuzzy systems , the tracking error and ( approximation error . )

  4. 通过计算机模拟与BP网络和模糊神经网络进行了比较,发现收敛速度非常快,逼近误差很小。

    The computer simulation shows its advanteges of fast convergence and high approximation accuracy over the back propagation ( BP ) network and fuzzy neural networks .

  5. 然后与H∞相结合,通过选取控制变量的权重因子,可以将逼近误差和外部扰动对跟踪误差的影响减小到任意给定的标准。

    In the study , the effect of both fuzzy logic approximation error and external disturbance on the tracking error is attenuated to a prescribed level by adequately selecting the weighting factor .

  6. 采用Lyapunov函数方法证明系统状态变量、网络权值矢量、网络逼近误差界的在线估计及输出跟踪误差的收敛性。

    The states of the system , network weights , network approximation errors ′ estimations and tracking error are proved to be convergence using Lyapunov methods .

  7. 建立模糊控制器逼近误差和控制器参数之间的线性关系,用Lyapunov稳定性理论设计参数的自适应律,不仅调节模糊规则结论参数,同时调节隶属函数的参数。

    The linear relation-ship between the approach error and fuzzy controller parameters is established firstly . The parameter self-adaptive rule designed by Lyapunov stability theory adjusts both fuzzy rule conclusion parameters and membership function parameters .

  8. 通过Backstepping方法与控制设计相结合得到的自适应神经网络控制器可以削弱逼近误差的影响,同时保证闭环系统的H∞跟踪性能。

    By combining the backstepping technique with H_ ∞ control design , an adaptive neural controller is synthesized to attenuate the effect of approximation errors and guarantee H_ ∞ tracking performance for the closed-loop turn-table system .

  9. 探讨了自适应模糊控制器的参数自适应律由跟踪误差与逼近误差共同进行调节,使得闭环系统的跟踪误差的收敛速度加快,并且跟踪误差满足一定的H∞性能指标。

    Discuss that the parameterized adaptive regulate law of adaptive fuzzy controller is adjusted by the tracking error and the approximate error together , which causes the convergence rate for tracking error of closed-loop system to speed up and the tracking error satisfies certain H_ ∞ performance index . 3 .

  10. 针对传统PFC只能对预测时域内有限的几个拟合点进行拟合,未考虑整个预测时域整体逼近误差性能的优化,系统的控制品质受到损害的问题,提出一种基于小波基函数的预测函数控制方法。

    A predictive functional control strategy using wavelet as basis function is developed . Traditional PFC only can fit limited several points in horizon of prediction with reference locus , and is unable to optimize the target function to the whole horizon of prediction .

  11. 同时,利用该误差表达式分析了各种常用D-P准则对于M-C准则的最佳平方逼近误差。

    A close-form formulation about the square error has been gained . At the same time , an optimal D-P criterion , which corresponds to the minimum square error , has been proposed .

  12. 本文提出了修正截止频率的Butterworth混合滤波设计法,使得滤波器在截止频率处的传输误差为零,其它频段对国标特性曲线的最大逼近误差为2%。

    By modifying the Butterworth function , the designed filter 's trans - mission error at the break frequency is zero , and the maximum transmission error at other band is less than 2 % , it approximate to the standard curve perfectly .

  13. 给出二维广义的Bernstein多项式的定义,并研究该多项式一致收敛的充分必要条件,用连续模估计该多项式对连续函数的逼近误差。

    This paper gives the definition of two-dimensional generalization of the Bernstein Polynomials . We find a sufficient and necessary condition for uniform convergence by the polynomials . By using the modulus of continuity , we estimate the error of approximation for the polynomials to the continuous function .

  14. 基于逼近误差的非线性自适应模糊控制

    Adaptive Fuzzy Control Based on Approximation Errors for Nonlinear Systems

  15. 在曲线离散过程中改进了现有的逼近误差确定方法。

    And this dissertation has improved the existing approach of computing approximating error .

  16. 模型简化中的相对逼近误差拟合准则

    The Relative Approximation Error Fitting Criterion of Model Reduction

  17. 在控制器中的自适应鲁棒项用来消除逼近误差和扰动。

    An adaptive robust element is used to eliminate approximation errors and disturbances .

  18. 采用牛顿迭代双侧逼近误差序列的分形艺术图形设计

    The Design of Fractal Art Graphics Based on Two-Side Approaching Error Series of Newton Iteration

  19. 建立了摆线的极坐标参数方程,推导出逼近误差的计算公式。

    By building the cycloidal polar parameter equation , the approximate error formula was derived .

  20. 经数学方法证明,其逼近误差不超过半个脉冲当量。

    It is mathematically proved that the interpolation error is no more than half of the least increment .

  21. 进一步,通过引入最优逼近误差的自适应补偿项来消除建模误差的影响.理论分析证明了跟踪误差能够收敛到零。

    Furthermore , the adaptive compensation term of the optimal approximation error is adopted to reduce the effect of modeling error .

  22. 控制器设计时结合了鲁棒控制方法,来消除或减小外部干扰以及神经网络逼近误差,使得系统具有一定的鲁棒型。

    To compensate the approximation error and attenuate the external disturbance , a robust technology is introduced to the proposed scheme .

  23. 导出了曲率半径与逼近误差之间的关系和等误差条件下的参数递推公式,建立了通过逼近圆弧圆心的直线方程和圆心坐标计算公式。

    The relation of radius of curvature and error as well as formulas of increasing parameters on condition of constant error are diverted .

  24. 既解决了固定网络模型结构引起的较大逼近误差,又改善控制预测性能。

    This method can overcomes the larger approximation errors in the model structure of the fixed networks and improves the prediction control performance .

  25. 为改善控制系统的性能,引入逼近误差的自适应补偿项。

    In order to improve the control performance of the closed-loop system , the adaptive compensation term of the approximation error is introduced .

  26. 此外还研究了系统逼近误差和初始状态误差对串并联模糊系统性能的影响,指出:只要模糊系统逼近实际系统足够好,即使两者之间存在初始状态误差,模糊系统仍能良好工作。

    In addition , the influence of approximation error and system initial error on the performance of the series-parallel fuzzy system is also investigated .

  27. 并通过引入最优逼近误差的自适应补偿项来消除建模误差和参数估计误差的影响。

    The adaptive compensation term of the optimal approximation error is adopted to minimize the influence of the modeling error and the parameter estimation error .

  28. 为了简化计算,本文直接用曲线的隐式方程定义逼近误差函数,并证明了这种取法的合理性。

    In order to simplify calculation , we define the error function according to implicit equation of curve and as a result its rationalization is proved .

  29. 结果表明,对于信噪比非常小的重力变化信号,阈值去噪法相对于强制去噪法来说效果并没有明显提高,第9层下重建信号的逼近误差满足性能指标。

    The simulation results show that the error is not improved with threshold decreasing noise method , because the SNR of gravity variation signal is too small .

  30. 在观测器设计中,充分考虑了神经网络逼近误差项对观测器性能的影响,增加了鲁棒控制项,并设计了相应的参数自适应律,以保证良好的观测性能。

    The effects of neural network approximation error are well considered . A robust control term and weights are designed to guarantee the performance of adaptive observer .