
  • 网络morall rules;moral rule
  1. 同时,天命的内容是仁的结构中的道德规则。

    At the same time , the content of heavenly order is moral rules in the structure of Ren .

  2. 康德则把道德规则归于命令,告诉我们什么是绝对要做的,凌驾于个人的意愿与行为结果之上。

    Kant characterized moral rules as imperatives that tell us what we ought to do categorically , regardless of our desires or the consequences of our actions .

  3. 信用,已经从一般道德规则发展为现代法律中的帝王条款。

    Credit has changed from a general moral rule to a dominant article in the modern laws .

  4. 也有一些故事是企图用来说明宿命论、轮回和所有各种封建道德规则。

    There are also stories that try to illustrate fatalism , reincarnation , and all sorts of feudal ethical principles .

  5. 许多传统的道德规则在网络空间中变得不适应,而新的网络道德规则又尚未及时建立。

    Many of the traditional rules of ethics have become not meet in cyberspace , while the new network has not been timely establishment of moral rules .

  6. 现实中回族学生确实出现了行为违反民族道德规则的行为且呈现出一定的趋向性,具有一定的统计规律。

    Hui students do exist in reality development of national moral dilemma and violation of moral behaviors emerges with certain tendency In line with the Statistical Law . 3 .

  7. 甚至连研究者自己也承认,虽然道德规则不允许随便去除它们的翅膀,但为了人类疫苗的研制成功别无他法。

    Even the researchers admit , however , that regulatory and ethical problems will prevent the critters from ever taking wing & at least for the delivery of human vaccines .

  8. 市场经济给现代人带来了巨大的精神落差,使现代人在诸多的文化种类、价值取向和道德规则面前感到困惑。

    The market economy has brought the contemporaries great spiritual drop which drives them into embarrassment in the face of cultural diversities , concept of value and the principle of morality .

  9. 在笔者的研究中,笔者将论证,这种对于效益主义的批判乃是一种误解,效益主义事实上有理论上的资源可以解释日常道德规则。

    In my research , I will argue that utilitarianism , contrary to its critics ' ( mis ) conception , has theoretical resources to take full account of commonsensical moral rules .

  10. 具有一定资质和能力的交往主体,在没有任何强制与暴力压制的理想话语环境中,进行自由、平等的对话与商谈,论证道德规则,达致沟通与理解。

    Having a certain competence , subjects proceed the free , equal dialogue and consultation , and argue moral rules to reach communication and understanding in the ideal speech situation where there is no compulsion and force .

  11. 在这个世界中,他展现了善或恶的诸种形态,揭示了贪欲是恶的根源之一,并设计了善恶有报的道德规则。

    In the world , He showed various forms of good or evil from which he indicated that greed is the source of evil and designed ethical principle that good will be rewarded with good , and evil with evil .

  12. 不遵守道德伦理规则的。业务操守准则,商业道德标准

    Not adhering to ethical or moral principles . conduct of business standards

  13. 不遵守道德伦理规则的。

    Not adhering to ethical or moral principles .

  14. 道德金规则是伦理学中公正原理的一个浓缩表达。

    The Golden Rule could be considered a condensed representation of the universal concept of justice .

  15. 违反道德习惯或者规则的行为。

    Behavior that breaches the rule or etiquette or custom or morality .

  16. 道德价值与规则的哲学研究。

    The philosophical study of moral values and rules .

  17. 根据剧组传闻说,导演昨晚试图搞一些不道德的潜规则。

    According to crew scuttlebutt , the director tried some funny business last night .

  18. 在欧洲人视为不道德和无规则的地方,事实上都盛行着一种严格的规则。

    Where the European sees immorality and lawlessness , strict law rules in reality .

  19. 对社会成员的普遍要求,只能成为道德的底线规则和法律规则的要求。

    It 's only the lowest ethics rule require that the demand to the common social members .

  20. 而伦理制度是指伦理道德要求的规则化,是以外在于个体的制度形式而存在的伦理要求,它具有一定的社会强制效力和作用。

    Ethical institution means that ethical requirements of the rules and it lies in the form of individual and the ethical requirements , it has a certain social mandatory force and effect .

  21. 尽管制作方并未隐藏他们的计划,经济学家查尔斯•肯尼(CharlesKenny)认为“在道德和一堆规则之间争论的困境”可能存在。

    Although producers do not hide their agendas , Charles Kenny , an economist , thinks that there could be a " quagmire of a debate over morals and a tangle of regulation . "

  22. 康德的无条件道德律令以及黄金规则就表明了这种境遇。

    Kant 's categorical imperative and the Golden Rule address the situation .

  23. 道德不断成为法律规则,法律规则不断地内化为人的内在道德的过程,就是道德的法律化和法律的道德化过程。

    The legalization of morality and the moralization of law are the processes in which morality is constantly transformed into legal provisions and legal provisions are unceasingly internalized into human morals .

  24. 当前我国高职院校大学生迫切需要进行技术伦理教育,以掌握对现代职业技术活动进行社会评价和道德评价的基本规则。

    At present , it is urgent to start the technological and ethical education for the students in higher-polytechnic institutions to ensure that they know the essential principles of social evaluation and moral evaluation to modern polytechnic activities .

  25. 作为一种合作性的亲社会利益行动,社会支持拥有四种基础性规则:道德利他的行动规则、亲情为他的行动规则、理性互惠的行动规则、习俗互助的行动规则。

    As a kind of cooperative action beneficial to social interests , social support has four basic rules : morally altruism , family love and service for others , reciprocally benefit , custom and mutual help in action .

  26. 即惯于从社会道德或规范、规则对人的规定性、乃至社会强迫性这一层面对职业道德下定义,突出的是职业道德对人的限定性。

    That is , who are accustomed to or from the social and moral norms , rules on the provision of compulsory community and the level of professional ethics under the definition of prominent is the professional ethics of the qualifying .

  27. 结果显示:影响散手裁判员执法能力的是职业道德水平、对规则的掌握程度、执法经验、社会关系等15项主要因素。

    The results show that there are fifteen factors which influence sanda referee 's ability of the rule enforcement , such as occupation moral level , the rule of control degree , experience of the rule enforcement and the society relation , etc.

  28. 如未接受普通教育,譬如基本的道德标准或道德的规则和禁忌,当人们被荣誉和名声包围时,就将无法避免犯错。

    Without general education , such as moral standards or basic ethics of dos and don'ts , people just won 't be able to avoid making mistakes when they are surrounded by honor and fame .

  29. 会计行为道德调节总体框架包括道德规则、会计行为、道德检查、道德评价和道德处置;

    The framework of this system contains five parts : moral ethics , accounting behavior , moral inspections , moral reviews and moral treatments .

  30. 经验主义在肯定和高扬人的利己心的同时,运用假设的方式将道德价值实现引向尊重社会道德规则;

    At the same time of affirming man ′ s pursuit of interest , Empiricism leads the realization of moral value to the respect of the rules of social morals by hypothesis .