
  • 网络contraception rate
  1. 目前,中国已婚妇女的避孕率达83%,有的地区达90%以上。

    The contraception rate among married women reaches 83 percent in the country , and over 90 percent in some places .

  2. 避孕率进一步提高,方法构成更加合理,而生育率进一步下降,人工流产大幅度减少。在项目的实施过程中也遇到了一些问题和困难,主要是:对人口控制的认识仍有待进一步提高;

    Contraceptive rate has risen , the method composition has been rational - izes and fertility further reduced .

  3. 结果我国哺乳期妇女的避孕率为78%,城乡哺乳期妇女的避孕率、未避孕原因虽然没有较大差异,但在选择避孕方法、避孕工具获得渠道和选择决定者等方面差异有统计学意义。

    Results The percentage of contraceptive use was 78 % . There were little difference in contraceptive prevalence and the reasons for un-contraceptive between urban and rural areas , and some difference in the composition of contraceptive methods , places and methods obtaining contraception .

  4. 但本研究未发现干预活动对研究对象的避孕率、避孕方法更换率、新采取率、停用率等有影响,干预期间两组的人工流产发生率无统计学差异。

    However , the results showed that intervention activities had no impacts on contraceptive rate , switch rate , initiative rate and discontinuation rate of contraception . As to induced abortion rate , no significant difference was found between two groups during the implementation of the project .

  5. Logistic回归分析发现较大的睾丸体积、较高的血清FSH浓度或血清LH、FSH、T及精子浓度之间的交互作用能够影响避孕成功率。

    Larger testis volume , higher serum FSH concentrations alone , or interaction of serum LH , FSH , T and sperm concentrations could hinder the success rate assessed by analysis of a logistic regression .

  6. 避孕有效率达100%。

    The effective rate of contraception was 100 % .

  7. 庄河市农村育龄妇女紧急避孕知晓率情况调查

    Survey on Awareness Rate of Emergency Contraception in Rural Childbearing-age Women in Zhuanghe

  8. 预先咨询对妇女使用醋酸甲孕酮避孕停用率的影响

    Effect of Pretreatment Counseling on Discontinuation Rates in Women Given Depo Medroxyprogesterone Acetate for Contraception

  9. 项目实施区域内避孕普及率在八个月内由24%提高至27%。

    The contraceptive prevalence rate increased by24 – 27 % in8 months in the project areas .

  10. 目的:了解兵团育龄妇女紧急避孕知晓率及其影响因素。

    Objective : To investigate the emergency contraception awareness rate and effective factors in women of reproductive age in Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps .

  11. 结果在172名有效被调查者中,紧急避孕知晓率为43.6%,但应用率仅为2.9%。

    Results Of the 172 respondents , 43.6 % were aware of urgent contraceptive pill , but only 2.9 % had ever used it to prevent pregnancy .

  12. 当地青少年中已有性行为发生,虽然几乎半数人知道性行为可能导致的后果,但首次性行为的避孕使用率却很低。

    Teenager sexual behaviour in the area and the use of contraception during first intercourse was low even though almost half of the sexually active youth knew the potential results .

  13. 国产皮下埋植剂Ⅱ型使用至第5年避孕失败率明显增加,建议国产Ⅱ型皮下埋植剂使用期限在3~4年为好。

    The failure rate of birth control of Sino - subdermal implant type ⅱ increased obviously after used for 5 years . It was suggested that it is better that Sino - subdermal implant type ⅱ is used for 3-4 years .

  14. 结果表明,陆良县已婚妇女的避孕现用率为70.57%。

    The results showed the contraceptive prevalence in the study area was70.57 percent .

  15. 育龄妇女避孕知识知晓率调查及影响因素分析

    Analysis of contraceptive knowledge level and influencing factors among reproductive women in Shandong province

  16. 避孕总失败率为5.2/100人年,避孕有效率为94.8%。

    Thus , total failure rate was 5.2 % and total efficacy was 94.8 % .

  17. 计划生育避孕方法知晓率不高、对避孕方法的效果、副作用了解有限。

    Understanding rate of planning birth contraceptive methods is not high , the awareness of contraceptive methods effects are limited .

  18. 在废除节欲教育上,一些州主要说,综合的性教育项目讨论了避孕的失败率,应该有好的科学基础。

    In abandoning abstinence education , states have largely said that comprehensive sex education programs , which discuss contraception beyond the failure rates , have a better scientific grounding .

  19. 中国少数民族避孕现用率、效果及影响因素舞厅空气质量和微小气候的动态变化及其影响因素的研究

    The Contraceptive Prevalence , Effectiveness and Influencing Factors among Married Minority Women in China A Study on Dynamic Change of Climate and Air Quality in Dance-hall and It 's Influence Factors

  20. 最近3个月内性生活时有效避孕措施使用率低,均使用避孕套的仅为9.2%,29.3%使用过紧急避孕药。

    The usage rate of effective contraceptions was low in three months lately , and only 9 . 2 % of women used condoms every sexual behaviour , and 29 . 3 % of women took emergency contraceptive pills .

  21. 目的:探讨知情方式、性格类型对Norplant埋植避孕剂续用率的影响。

    Objective : To study the effects of detailed way and character type on the continuous use rate of Norplant implant contraception .

  22. 目的:了解预先咨询对150mg醋酸甲孕酮(DMPA)作为3个月使用1次的长效避孕针的停用率的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of pre treatment counseling on discontinuation rates of 150 mg depo medroxyprogesterone acetate ( DMPA ), given for contraception .

  23. 首次性生活后至首次怀孕间每次性生活时都使用避孕措施的使用率为384%。

    The continuous use rate was 38 4 % before their pregnancy .

  24. 当被赋予责任和接受指导时,社区卫生工作者有可能迅速提高农村地区的避孕用具的使用率。

    Community health workers can rapidly increase contraceptive use in rural areas when given responsibility and guidance .

  25. 紧急避孕知识的知晓率很低,仅占调查对象9%。

    The popularity of emergent contraception is quite lower , only 9 % of all subjects had heard of the emergency contraceptive .

  26. 分析发现,知识态度水平高,避孕措施的使用率高。

    The results of Chi-square analysis revealed that the higher the level of knowledge and attitude is , the higher the rate of contraceptive use is .

  27. 12个月的避孕效果:妊娠率分别为0.4%和0,持续使用率分别为94.8%和96%。因症取出率分别为4.8%和4%。

    The pregnancy rates in the period of implantation were 0,4 % and 0 for each group , and 94.8 % and 96 % of the women were willing to continue the implants respectively .

  28. 方法根据实施知情选择前后的常规统计年报资料,对避孕措施现用率和避孕失败的人工流产率进行统计分析。

    Methods : To count and analysis the changes of contraceptive practice and incidence of induced abortion due to the failure on the contraception measures among married woman of child-bearing age since carrying out informed choice of contraceptive methods .

  29. 知晓率最高的是男用避孕套(67.57%),其他8种避孕方法的知晓率均低于50%。研究对象对避孕措施的使用方法、避孕原理、优点和副作用的掌握情况也不理想。

    67.57 % of them have heard about condom which is the highest knowing rate , the knowing rates of the other 8 contraceptives are less than 50 % . Subjects have little knowledge on contraceptives ' using methods , principals , advantages and side-effects .

  30. 结论:外地来京妇女数量庞大,避孕知识缺乏;避孕率低是导致人流率高的主要原因,未婚人流则为重要原因;

    Conclusion : The high abortion rate is due to the large quantity of guest population women , lack of contraceptive knowledge , low contraceptive rate , unmarried pregnancy and contraceptive failure .