
  • 网络napo county
  1. 那坡县种子植物区系的特有现象

    The Endemism in the Flora of Seed Plants in Napo County

  2. 凸显地域特色的乡村植物景观研究&以广西那坡县新农村建设示范村屯为例

    Studies on Rural Plant Landscape by Geographical Characteristics & Napo County Experimental Village , Guangxi Province

  3. 广西那坡县种子植物区系科属新资料

    States of families and genera in flora of Napo , Guangxi

  4. 生活在广西那坡县的黑衣壮族,在严峻的环境里创造了精彩的黑衣壮文化。

    Black-Clothes Zhuang people who live in Napo County in Guangxi have created wonderful culture in harsh environment .

  5. 持续供应碘盐十七年后那坡县地方性甲状腺肿和地方性克汀病流行病学研究

    Epidemiological study in endemic goiter and cretinism after supplying iodine salt for seventeen years in Napo county , guangxi

  6. 腊摩送魂归故乡&广西那坡县彝族丧葬习俗考察

    La Mo ' Escorting the Soul to the Homeland & the Investigation of Yi Ethnic Group in Napo County of Guangxi

  7. 民俗风情旅游发展需要村落参与&以广西那坡县达腊屯白彝村落为例

    The Village 's Participation in Folk Custom Tourism & A case study of a White Yi Ethnic Village in Guangxi Napo County

  8. 第二部分总结了黑衣壮传统道德的概述并对那坡县黑衣壮族传统道德保护和传承的现状进行介绍。

    The second part summarizes the overview of Black-Clothes Zhuang Traditional Morality and status of the protection of traditional moral Zhuang Napo County black and inheritance are introduced .

  9. 摘要广西那坡县黑衣壮特有的多声部民歌“虽敏”的音乐风格深沉、古朴,极具个性。

    Multi-tone folk song " suimin ", peculiarly sung by the dark cloth Zhuang in nape county , guangxi , is of profound musical style , primitive simplicity , and strong individuality .

  10. 不久,来安州改镇安州,治所在今那坡县。服务员:镇江和扬州也是吸引旅游者的地方。

    Shortly after that the name of Zhen , an State replaced it and the seat of government was located in the place where Napo county is situated now . Zhenjiang and Yangzhou are also attractions for tourists .

  11. 第三部分以那坡县黑衣壮族聚居地的学校教育为实地调查资料为依据,经过调查与分析,找出存在的问题,并对此问题分析其原因及影响因素。

    The third part of school education to Zhuang Napo County black colonies as the basis of field investigation , after investigation and analysis , find out the existing problems , and the problem of factor analysis of its causes and effects .

  12. 审美感知与文化认知&广西那坡县黑衣壮人色彩观的人类学分析在广场的地基处,有许多用瓷片拼凑起来的彩图,这些彩图呈现出西班牙的各个领地。

    Aesthetic Experience and Cultural Cognition & An Anthropological Analysis of The Dark Cloth Zhuang s Local Chromatology ; On the base of the Plaza there are many images , composed of tiles , which are presenting the different regions of Spain .