
yóu jiàn
  • mail;post;postal matter
邮件 [yóu jiàn]
  • [postal matter;post;mail] 邮寄物品的统称

邮件[yóu jiàn]
  1. 从“发送”选单中选择“新邮件”。

    Select ' New Mail ' from the ' Send ' menu .

  2. 不要打开任何标有“机密”的邮件。

    Do not open any mail marked ' Confidential ' .

  3. 邮件里有他们来的信吗?

    Is there a letter from them in the mail ?

  4. 由于削减成本,邮件的递送可能会延迟。

    Deliveries of mail could be delayed because of cost-cutting .

  5. 注意一定要让你的邮件改投到你的新住址。

    Make sure you get your mail redirected to your new address .

  6. 我于星期一以最快投递邮件寄出包裹。

    I sent the package first class on Monday .

  7. 请给我拿三张第一类邮件的邮票。

    Could I have three first-class stamps , please ?

  8. 这个邮件要挂号。

    I 'd like to send this recorded delivery .

  9. 今天上午邮件很多。

    There was a lot of post this morning .

  10. 我的收件箱里有四封邮件。

    There were four messages in my inbox .

  11. 你拆开邮件了没有?

    Have you opened your post yet ?

  12. 今天邮件不多。

    There isn 't much mail today .

  13. “邮件来了吗?”“我看看。”

    ' Has the mail come yet ? ' ' I 'll look and see .

  14. 定期查看新邮件。

    Check regularly for new mail .

  15. 老板的秘书负责把关,所有邮件都由她先过目再呈送给他。

    His secretary acts as a gatekeeper , reading all mail before it reaches her boss .

  16. 第一类邮件邮资较高。

    First class costs more .

  17. 他们只好耐心地等下一批邮件。

    They just have to wait patiently for the next post .

  18. 他让他妈妈用挂号邮件寄。

    He asked his mother to send it by registered mail .

  19. 请给我一板第一类邮件的邮票好吗?

    Can I have a book of first class stamps please ?

  20. 除了寄给业主的常见垃圾信件之外,再没有其他邮件了。

    There was no mail except the usual junk addressed to the occupier

  21. 老年人组织向各自的会员寄送了邮件。

    The seniors organizations sent out mailings to their constituencies .

  22. 他飞快地翻了一下邮件,但一封也没有打开。

    He flipped through the post without opening any of it

  23. 许多寄给她的邮件都不知所终。

    Many items of mail being sent to her have gone astray .

  24. 如果你不想收到此类邮件,请在这个方框里打钩。

    Please tick this box if you do not wish to receive such mailings

  25. 对丢失或毁坏邮件的赔偿将由邮政部门处理。

    Compensation for lost or damaged mail will be handled by the postal service

  26. 3个星期都没有邮件。

    There has been no post in three weeks .

  27. 彼得一关上门就开始逐一查看起邮件来。

    Peter starts looking through the mail as soon as the door shuts .

  28. 办公室里的邮件仍在往上堆。

    Mail was still piling up at the office .

  29. 他成了新闻人物,收到了疯狂的攻击性邮件。

    He made headlines and received hysterical hate mail .

  30. 今年一类邮件的邮费不会增加。

    The price of mailing a first-class letter will not be increasing this year .