
  • 网络Zheng Xiaoxu;Hsiao-Hsu Cheng
  1. 郑孝胥是中国近代史上颇受争议的人物。

    Zheng Xiaoxu was the controversial figure in Chinese modern history .

  2. 郑孝胥和晚清文人的文化遗民情结

    Zheng Xiao-xu and the Cultural Adherent Complex of the Scholars of Late Qing Dynasty

  3. 本章重点探讨郑孝胥的家庭对郑孝胥文学创作和人生态度的影响。

    This paper puts emphasis on the influence of the family to Zheng Xiaoxu 's literary career and his attitude towards life .

  4. 无论是郑孝胥的共管论,还是王道思想,他们的核心都是为了复辟帝制,重建儒家的礼制,这种对传统文化的过度沉迷,最终导致了郑氏不自觉地走上了不归路。

    His thoughts were all for the sake of the monarchy and the reconstruction of the Confucian ritual . The excessive addicted to traditional culture , which eventually led to forked road in unconsciously .

  5. 郑孝胥是清末民初碑派书法的代表性人物之一,他的书法既随主流,又独具风貌。

    Zheng Xiaoxu was one of the representatives of Bei School ( Calligraphy on Stele ) during the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty . His work was in line with the mainstream while maintaining his unique features .

  6. 作为跨越晚清和民国两个时代的士人精英,郑孝胥不仅在中国诗界和书法界有重要影响,而且在中国近代政治舞台上留下了浓重的一笔。

    As the late Qing and Republican spans two eras of elite scholars , Zheng Xiaoxu not only have a major impact on Chinese poetry and calligraphy circles , but also in the political arena in modern China left a heavy sum .