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  • 网络Banqiao
  1. 就是那个特别有名的画竹子的画家郑板桥吗?

    Do you mean the Zheng Banqiao famous for painting bamboo ?

  2. 看来你对郑板桥很了解嘛。

    Seems that you know a lot about Zheng Banqiao .

  3. 郑板桥的爱子之道及其启示

    The Way for Loving Children by ZHENG Ban-qiao and its Inspiration

  4. 郑板桥的字画往往给人一种又瘦又硬的感觉。

    Zheng 's artworks always gives a thin and powerful feeling .

  5. 能看到郑板桥的真迹我们太有眼福了。

    We are so lucky to be able to see an authentic work of his .

  6. 你刚才说了郑板桥。

    You just said Zheng Banqiao .

  7. 论诗人郑板桥

    On Zheng Banqiao as a Poet

  8. 你,你是说郑板桥吧?

    Do you mean Zheng banqiao ?

  9. 郑板桥对人生采取积极的入世态度,对劳动人民表现出深切的同情。

    Zheng Banqiao took a very positive attitude towards life and also showed deep sympathy for the laboring people .

  10. 第三节写了郑板桥散文与诗书画创作方法的和谐交融。

    The third section is the harmony blends of his prose 、 poem 、 calligraphy and painting creation method .

  11. 当然,在探讨郑板桥君子观的问题上必然要涉及其产生的原因。

    Of course , in view of Zheng Banqiao gentleman on the issue is bound to have involved in their causes .

  12. 郑板桥杰出的艺术成就与清代扬州文化和商业相关。

    Remarkable achievement of Zheng Banqiao artistic style has something connection with the culture and commerce of Yangzhou in the Qing Dynasty .

  13. 这是郑板桥在生命垂危时给儿子留下的遗训。

    It is a teaching of Zheng Banqiao to his son , which was written on the paper just before his death .

  14. 郑板桥自幼学习儒学,受到良好的熏陶,为他君子观的形成奠定了一定的基础。

    Zheng Banqiao Confucian learning at an early age , which was a good influence , for his concept of a gentleman laying a certain foundation .

  15. 郑板桥是扬州八怪中最负盛名的一个,是中国文化史上的文艺全才。

    Zheng Banqiao is the most well-known one from the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou , and also a versatile talent in the history of Chinese culture .

  16. 扬州八怪的代表郑板桥对古代文艺理论的发展有很大贡献。

    Zheng Banqiao , representative of the eight distinguished artists with special characteristics in Yangzhou , made a great contribution to the development of the ancient artistic theory .

  17. 郑板桥胸中之竹与胸无成竹诠释不同炭化温度的竹炭对重金属离子的吸附性能

    The Explanation of " Having a Well-thought-out Stratagem " and " Having No Image in Mind " by ZhenBanqiao ; Adsorption properties of bamboo charcoal under different carbonized temperatures for heavy metal ions

  18. 本文试图以后者的视角,从情感与形式的关系入手,对郑板桥的写竹三段说做出新的阐释。

    The paper focuses on a new exposition of " Three stages of bamboo painting " from the angle of the relationship of feelings and forms advocated by the latter schools of aestheticism .

  19. 郑板桥一生经历坎坷,他独特的生活经历对其君子观的形成产生了一定的影响。具体表现在为官之前和为官之后两个时期。

    His unique life experience to the concept of a gentleman had a certain impact , in the performance of officials before , during officials and after it his life was mainly divided into two periods .

  20. 同为清代诗人,王士祯、郑板桥笔下的渔家诗却风韵各异,笔者在赏析的基础上,从时代背景、取材视角、艺术追求三个方面将两首诗加以比较。

    As poets living in the same dynasty & Qing , WANG Shi-zhen and ZHENG Ban-qiao had written poems of quite different styles . On the basis of appreciation , the writer compare the two poems in background , source of materials and the pursuit of art .