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  1. 许浑生平思想与其诗歌创作关系之研究

    Study on the Connection between Xu Hun 's Ideology and Poetry

  2. 元前许浑接受史研究

    Acceptance Periods of Xu Hun Before Yuan Dynasty

  3. 论许浑诗中的佛教四苦之叹

    Canvass on the Sorrow of " Four Grief " in Xu Hun 's Poem

  4. 许浑诗歌清新浅切,但通览全集,许诗表现了模式化的倾向。

    Xu Hun 's poems are lucid in style but have the trend of patternization through the complete works .

  5. 在对其诗歌做出具体深入的分析之后,得出许浑的心灵世界实际上是隐逸情结掩盖下的充满矛盾和苦闷的世界这一结论。

    By a thorough and idiographic analysis , one conclusion can be drawn that his inner world full of conflict and depression is deeply hidden behind his hermit complex .

  6. 许浑送别诗所构成的写作特点,反映了中晚唐送别诗创作模式的形成,也是他的诗作为后世模拟的主要原因之一。

    The writing style in his poems reflect the formation of creation pattern of farewell poems in late Tang dynasty , which is also the major reason why he became the model of the later generations .

  7. 佛教思想在这些仕途上走的并不顺利的文人身上体现的更为明显。不管是许浑还是杜荀鹤,都是才能不能施展、抱负不能实现之辈。

    Buddhism is more obvious reflected in the writers who did not go smoothly in their official careers . Whether Du Xun-he or Xu Hun , they were not able to display and can not achieve their aspirations .