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Tánɡ yín
  • Tang Yin;scholar and painter, founder of the Suzhou Style
  1. 唐寅、文征明文化性格比较论

    A Contrast of Cultural Characters of Tang Yin and Wen Zheng-ming

  2. 唐寅与三笑故事

    Study on the Relationship Between Tang-yin and the story of Qiu-xiang

  3. 唐寅生命意识的解读

    The Exploration of the Consciousness of Life : Ideas of Tang Yin

  4. 俗化与雅化:唐寅与仇英绘画艺术比较

    Vulgarity and Elegance : The Comparison of the Painting Art between Tang Yin and Qiu Ying

  5. 这本唐寅诗集,是谁的?

    Whose poetry is it ?

  6. 吴门四家中的唐寅、仇英创作了大量的仕女画作,形成了明代仕女画创作的审美趣味与时代风尚。

    Of Wu Tang Yin , Anglophobia created many ladies paintings , forming a Ming Dynasty Ladies draw creative aesthetic trend with time .

  7. 《怀楼图轴》充分体现出唐寅绘画情景交融、诗画共汇的艺术风格。

    The art style of Tang Yin is represented by " Huailoutu ", in which feelings mingle with scenes and poems mingle with drawings .

  8. 唐寅是我国明代著名的画家,开创了削肩忧怨“世俗美”的仕女画类型。

    Tang Yin was a famous painter of the Ming dynasty who initiated the traditional Chinese painting style of depressed beautiful women with sloping shoulders .

  9. 本文从研究唐寅心态形成、变化的过程中得出:首先,心态是复杂的。

    By analyzing the process of his psychology formed and changed : the following conclusions are obtained : First of all , the mind is complex .

  10. 其题画诗所表现出璀璨美、意趣美、新奇美和悲剧美等多重审美意蕴,体现了唐寅诗歌独特的艺术魅力。

    Moreover , his poems with drawing are embodied by aesthetic connotation of the beauties about glory , flavor , innovation and tragedy and hence reveal his special artistic charms in his poems .

  11. 唐寅由于人生遭际而形成的处世哲学、人生态度、诗歌风格,在他所创作的题画诗中都有不同程度的反映。

    The setbacks in his life helped TANG Yin construct his life philosophy , life attitudes , and the style of his poetry , all of which are reflected in his poems with drawing to some degree .