
  1. 这些竞争者包括发展迅速的中国私营部门银行招商银行(chinamerchantsbank)和巴西的bradesco。

    These include China Merchants Bank , a rapidly growing private sector bank in China , and Bradesco of Brazil .

  2. 尽管英国和瑞典的央行要求私人部门银行强化对SWIFT代码的控管,但新兴市场的政府几乎没有公开回应。

    And while the central banks in the UK and Sweden have demanded that private sector banks now strengthen surveillance of their Swift codes , there has been little public response from governments in emerging market .

  3. 一个正在考虑的做法债权人纾困(bail-in)将让私人部门银行债务持有人首先承担损失,然后再由政府进行救助。

    One such process under consideration , known as a bail-in , would see private sector bank debt holders take losses before further government rescues took place .

  4. 私人部门银行的高级经理人如今也积极参与进来。

    And the top managers of private sector banks are now actively engaged .

  5. 从部门银行到流程银行:交易成本经济学分析

    Converting from Department Bank to Flow Bank : analysis on Trading Cost Economics

  6. 这些银行是否会放贷过多、利率过低,从而损害真正私人部门银行的市场?

    Will these banks spoil the market for real private sector banks by lending too much and too cheaply ?

  7. 从部门银行向流程银行转型是中国商业银行经营改革的主导方向。

    From " departmental bank " transferring to " procedure bank " is the main direction in the operation reform of China commercial banks .

  8. 由部门银行转化为流程银行,经营组织结构和各种资源围绕业务流程而展开,需要流程再造。

    From the traditional banks to the oriented-processing bank , business organizational structure and all kinds of resources will spread around the business processing and this need BPR ( business process reengineering ) .

  9. 尽管各央行的行为仍然完全属于主权事务的范畴,但在创造风险和减轻风险方面,私人和公共部门银行之间的倾向日益相似,令人担忧。

    While the conduct of central banking remains a purely sovereign affair , there are growing and eerily similar tendencies between private and public-sector banks in their generation of risk and their mitigation activities .

  10. 长期以来达沃斯人一直信奉这样的信条,即私营部门银行有权将规模扩大到市场所能承受的极限,因为人们认为,规模大可以提高融资的效率,因此更有助于推动创新。

    Inside the Davos creed it was long assumed that private sector banks had the right to be as big as the market would bear , since scale was supposed to make finance efficient , and thus better able to promote innovation .

  11. 在南非《金融邮刊》(financialmail)担任编辑一段时间后,索西现在是渣打银行(standardbank)社区银行的一名主管,负责为非常规部门提供银行服务。

    After a period as editor of the financial mail , Ms Southey is now a director of community banking at standard bank , looking at providing banking services to the informal sector .

  12. 没有哪家私人部门的银行愿意为长达15年的新兴市场项目提供融资。

    No private sector bank will finance 15-year emerging market projects .

  13. 投向私营部门的银行贷款已经连续两个月下降。

    Bank lending to the private sector has fallen for two months .

  14. 论印度公营部门中银行改革问题

    On the issue of transformation of the banks of the public sector in India

  15. 去年监管部门对银行的利润率视若无睹,因为银行家正被塑造成模范工作者。

    Last year , regulators turned a blind eye to margins as bankers were garlanded as model workers .

  16. 政府部门、银行、甚至牙科诊所都发现难以留住员工。

    Government departments , banks and even dentist offices are also finding it difficult to hold on to their staff .

  17. 此外还有私人部门的银行贷款和权益敞口,大约为1000亿欧元。

    To this sum must be added private sector exposure through bank loans and equity , roughly another € 100bn .

  18. 看看当前的一波借记卡收费潮就可以知道了&由于监管部门对银行向零售商收取的网络服务费设定上限,一些银行开始向持卡人收取服务费。

    Just look at the current spate of debit card fees in reaction to caps on network fees charged to retailers .

  19. 因此,国外政府和金融监管部门对银行破产都持十分谨慎的态度。

    In view of that , both overseas government and monitoring body take a considerably cautious attitude towards bankruptcy of the bank .

  20. 这实际上意味着从家庭部门向银行、政府和企业的大规模收入转移。

    This in effect represented a large transfer of income from the household sector to the banks , to government and to businesses .

  21. 甲方主要负责与本国政府部门、银行、商会等相关单位的总体协调和联系工作并对项目开发进行总体管理;

    Party A is responsible for managing Project as well as development and coordinating with State , bank , chamber of commerce and so forth .

  22. 最后,本文针对普通高校债务风险的防范,从政府部门、银行和高校三个方面对债务风险的防范与控制提出了一些方法和建议。

    Finally , the solution and proposal have been provided to prevent and control the debt risk through three respects including government , bank and college .

  23. 为了控制商业银行风险,无论理论研究部门还是银行从业人员始终在对商业银行风险的控制进行孜孜以求的探索。

    In order to control risk of commercial banks , whether theory research department or bank employees should always explore the operational risk of commercial banks .

  24. 爱尔兰经济中尤为自由部分的便是银行部门。银行利用监管机构听其自由放任的态度催生了一个巨大的房市泡沫。

    One part of the Irish economy that became especially free was the banking sector , which used its freedom to finance a monstrous housing bubble .

  25. 银行业是金融业的核心部门,银行业开放是整个金融业开放的重要组成部分。

    Banking services is the core of financial services and the opening of banking services is the important component of the whole opening of the financial services .

  26. 事实已经多次证明,货币错配对新兴经济体造成了破坏,不论它出现在政府部门、银行业还是非金融类企业领域。

    They have repeatedly proved devastating to emerging economies , whether they have occurred in the government sector , the banking sector or the non-financial corporate sector .

  27. 这种灰色经济(大部分是现金)的实际总量很难精确计算,因为这些钱并没有经手过任何税收部门或者银行组织。

    The actual size of this grey-largely cash-economy is difficult to calculate since the money does not pass through the hands of tax authorities or the banking sector .

  28. 但这未能阻止税务部门和银行业监管部门重新审视汇丰的案子,以考虑是否应当起诉或处分汇丰或该行员工。

    But that has not stopped tax authorities and banking watchdogs from taking a fresh look to see if HSBC or its people should be prosecuted or disciplined .

  29. 国际金融公司也将其全球贸易融资计划规模从10亿美元扩大到30亿美元,以加大对私营部门小型银行和小企业主的援助力度。

    IFC also expanded its Global Trade Finance Program from $ 1 billion to $ 3 billion in December to increase assistance to smaller private banks and entrepreneurs .

  30. 好几年前,一名主管公关部门的银行高级执行员问我,要怎样证明公关部的工作?

    Some years ago , a senior bank executive in charge of public relations asked me for advice on how to justify the activities of his PR department .