
  • 网络dole
  1. 其实,邻居们都乐着呢,没有一个人来帮助Kira,因为首先一点,他们都讨厌Kira。

    Indeed , the neighbors found these terms perfectly agreeable and none of them tried to come to the official 's aid because none of them liked Kira , in the first place .

  2. 清晨我醒来,整天都乐开怀。

    I work before the morning , I was happy all the day .

  3. 通用汽车已经和甜甜圈零售商唐恩都乐公司达成了合作协议。

    GM even has a partnership set up with Dunkin ' Donuts for deals .

  4. 1939年,爱来客都乐唱片公司给安德森的这首歌灌录了磁带。

    In1939 the Electrola Company recorded it .

  5. 这家公司还拥有唐恩都乐连锁店,销售甜面圈的同时也出售咖啡。

    And it owns Dunkin'Donuts , which sells coffee to wash down the doughnuts at its stores .

  6. “小灵通”告诉我们这个消息,把我们大家都乐坏了。

    Exam " Small quick " to tell us the news , we all dole is broken .

  7. 这家公司还拥有唐恩都乐饮品连锁店,在商店内销售咖啡来送下油炸圈饼。

    And it owns Dunkin " Donuts , which sells coffee to the doughnuts at its stores .

  8. 唐恩都乐首先在波士顿地区试销这款由甜甜圈和三明治组合而成的食品,随后推向了全国。

    Dunkin ' started testing the doughnut-sandwich combo in the Boston area before rolling it out nationally .

  9. 对咖啡非常痴迷——每天早上星巴克和康恩都乐等店里都挤满了上班族和学生。

    Obsession with coffee - Starbucks , Dunkin ' etc is crowded with office-goers and students every morning .

  10. 不仅饭菜可口,而且他们老是那么兴高采烈的,我们在他们的感染下也都乐呵呵的。

    The food is great , and they are always in such good spirits that they make us feel good too .

  11. 饥饿的豺同时找到这么多吃的,又毫不费力,都乐疯了。

    The hungry Jackal got crazy to find so much to eat at the same time and that too without any effort .

  12. 如同唐恩都乐的釉面甜甜圈早餐三明治一样,对于拿不定主意的早餐爱好者来说,这款美食无疑是一个救星。

    Stacked Grilled Cheese Burger Like the Dunkin ' Donuts Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich , this gem is a lifesaver for the indecisive .

  13. 我甚至认为上海压根儿就没有唐恩都乐等这类的东西,而中国似乎没有真正的早餐文化。

    I dont even think there is a Dunkin Donuts or anything of that sort in Shanghai because breakfast is not really a part of Chinese culture .

  14. 掌柜尤尔根是个有着和橄榄球后卫球员一样壮硕身材,但整天都乐呵呵的男人,他会照顾到酒吧里每一桌上的每一位客人,当然还会给他们倒上他的招牌酒品:啤酒鸡尾酒。

    Jurgen , a jovial man with a linebacker build and perpetually flushed cheeks , visits each table in person with a tray full of " fixings " for his signature drinks : beer cocktails .