
cǎi kuànɡ quán
  • exploitation right;mining right
  1. 采矿权的权属性质,是当前矿业权市场中的热点问题。

    The legal nature of exploitation right is the hot issue in mining right market in China .

  2. 对于采矿权的收回制度,法律上还存在着空白,这也直接导致了一些恶性事件的产生。

    There is still vacancy in the law regarding the system of the reclamation of the exploitation right , which directly leads to some negative events .

  3. 如果在你这块地底下发现了石油或金子,你可以把采矿权卖掉。

    If oil or gold are discovered under your lot , you can sell the mineral rights .

  4. 同时,通过X金矿采矿权评估实例证实了收益法作为现金流量法补充方法应用的可行性。

    And through assessing X gold mining rights , the feasibility which income method can be a complementary method for DCF method is proven .

  5. 克莱夫•帕尔默(ClivePalmer)旗下一家公司已采取措施,将终止中国中信(Citic)在澳大利亚数十亿美元的中澳铁矿项目(SinoIronProject)的采矿权。帕尔默是澳洲的矿业大亨,也是澳洲议员。

    A company owned by Clive Palmer , the mining tycoon turned lawmaker , has moved to terminate the mining rights of China 's Citic at its multibillion dollar Sino Iron project in Australia .

  6. 中信表示:过去两年中,因Mineralogy发出违约及终止采矿权通知书一事,已经三度与法院交涉。

    Mineralogy has been restrained by the court or has undertaken to the court not to rely on several default and termination notices on three separate occasions over the past two years , said Citic .

  7. 中信是中国最大的国有综合企业之一,2006年,该公司与拥有该项目铁矿石采矿权的Mineralogy达成协议,合作开发一个价值20亿美元的铁矿石矿。

    Citic , one of China 's largest state-owned conglomerates , agreed a deal in 2006 with Mineralogy , which owns the rights to the ore deposits , to develop a US $ 2bn mine .

  8. 在向香港证交所提交的一份声明中,中信表示,将于周五向西澳高等法院申请禁止令,制止Mineralogy用自己发出的通知来中止中信方面的采矿权。

    In a statement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange , Citic said it would seek an injunction in the supreme court of Western Australia on Friday to restrain Mineralogy from relying on the notice to terminate its mining rights .

  9. 本文对应用CAPM确定采矿权项目的贴现率方法进行系统地说明分析,并提出现行贴现率的确定建议。

    In the paper , the method on the selection of discount rates in mining concession project with CAPM is analysed systematically , and the proposals of selecting discount rates for the evaluation of domestic mining concession project are put forward for the next few years .

  10. 矿业权包括探矿权和采矿权。

    Ming right is consist of exploration right and mining right .

  11. 采矿权与其它无形资产的比较分析

    Comparison Analysis of the Mining Right and the other Intangible Assets

  12. 禁止将探矿权、采矿权倒卖牟利。

    Profiteering in exploration right or mining right shall be prohibited .

  13. 探矿权采矿权市场建设基本情况

    Current Market Construction of Exploration Rights and Mining Rights in China

  14. 采矿权抵押法律制度问题就是如此。

    So do the legal system of mining right mortgage problems .

  15. 对矿产资源探矿权和采矿权的认识

    The mineral prospecting right and the knowledge on mineral prospecting right

  16. 采矿权项目评估中的贴现率确定

    The Selection of Discount Rates in Mining Concession Project Evaluations

  17. 本文将采矿权归属到用益物权的范畴。

    This paper puts it belongs to the category of usufructuary rights .

  18. 探矿权、采矿权转让问题浅议

    Discussions on Transferring Problem of the Exploration Right and Concession

  19. 采矿权可以在符合法律规定的条件下进行流转。

    Mining rights in accordance with legal provisions conditions circulation .

  20. 再次,提出我国采矿权抵押存在的法律问题。

    Again , put forward the legal problems existed inmining right mortgage .

  21. 探矿权、采矿权市场及其相关市场

    Exploration Rights Market , Mining Rights Market and Related Market

  22. 矿业权两级市场中的采矿权权属探析

    Analysis on the Legal Nature of Exploitation Right in Mining Right Market

  23. 采矿权评估中主要参数研究

    Research on the Main Parameters in the Mining Right Appraisal

  24. 建筑石料资源采矿权出让的探索与实践

    Study and practice in transfering mining rights of stone as building material

  25. 文章简单介绍采矿权有偿出让方式方法及体会、认识。

    The paper introduces the way and experience about it .

  26. 实质上采矿权的客体是从地壳中分离前的矿产,清晰地裸露着,因此,应当大胆承认采矿权是自物权。

    Therefore , it should be an autonomous article right .

  27. 进一步探索、培育、规范探矿权采矿权市场

    Exploration , Cultivation and Standardization of the Prospecting and Mining Rights Market

  28. 他们的公司最终获得了采矿权。

    At last , their company obtained the mining concession .

  29. 考虑安全与环境影响的煤炭采矿权评估研究

    Study on Evaluation of Coal Mining Right Considering Safety and Environment Influence

  30. 基于期权的煤炭资源采矿权估价方法研究

    Study on Valuating Methods of Coal Resource Mining Right Based on Options