
  • 网络Procurement Center;Purchasing Center;buying center;buying centre
  1. 现在的中国已成为一个巨大的制造中心和采购中心。

    Now China has become a great center of manufacturing and procurement center .

  2. 1999年,上海市政府采购中心正式成立。

    In 1999 , the government procurement center of Shanghai municipality was formally established .

  3. CA公司是一家美资空调品牌公司,2002年初在上海成立了战略全球化采购中心,建立了空调零部件和家用空调整机OEM在中国的全球化采购业务。

    CA set up global sourcing center in Shanghai in 2002 to manage the air conditioning component and finished goods global souring business .

  4. 随着美中采购中心在美国当地知名度的提高,更多采购商接受ULA的服务模式。

    As the raising of China Sourcing Center 's prestige , more purchasers accept ULA 's Service .

  5. Spellman公司组建苏州采购中心的决策分析

    Decision Analysis of Building the Suzhou Purchasing Center of Spellman

  6. 上海汽车零部件全球采购中心地处上海西北部的嘉定区安亭镇,轨道交通R3线终点站。

    Shanghai Auto Parts Global Sourcing Center is situated in Anting town of Jiading district of Shanghai west , at the terminal of R3 light track .

  7. 中国的支持非常重要,因为中国既是一个日益增长的市场,也是麦德龙和沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)等全球零售商的重要采购中心。沃尔玛的规模比麦德龙大得多。

    China 's participation is important , as it is both a growing market and an important sourcing centre for global retailers such as Metro and , – on a much larger scale – Wal-Mart .

  8. 为了改变这种情况,Teabox在大吉岭和阿萨姆邦设立了采购中心,距离采摘和加工的茶园只有数小时路程。

    To change that , Teabox set up sourcing centers in Darjeeling and Assam , within a few hours from the gardens where the leaves are plucked and processed .

  9. 北京构建国际采购中心的必要性研究

    Study on the Necessity for Beijing to Construct International Purchase Center

  10. 菲亚特(亚太)采购中心供应商质量管理体系设计与应用研究

    The Design of Supplier Quality Management System for FIAT Sourcing Center AP

  11. 上海跨国采购中心有限公司

    Shanghai International Merchandising Center Co. , Ltd

  12. 成立制冷材料采购中心,全部制冷材料由我司供应。

    Establish refrigeration material purchasing center and all the refrigeration materials supplied by our company .

  13. 在此基础上,研究了生鲜农产品家庭配送采购中心的选址问题以及路径优化问题。

    Problems in locating of fresh agriculture product Distribution Center and its routing optimization are studied .

  14. 寿光市财政局政府采购中心主要从事与政府采购有关的业务工作。

    Shouguang Bureau of Finance and the Government Procurement Center engaged in operations related to government procurement .

  15. 采购中心和采购人应当优先采购低耗能、低污染的货物和工程。

    Purchasing and procurement center shall give priority to buy low-energy , low pollution and engineering goods .

  16. 最后,文章提出了上海发展服务贸易和建设跨国采购中心若干建议。

    The paper also put forward some suggestions to Shanghai 's development in TIS and international purchase center .

  17. 外国投资者在中国投资设立外商投资出口采购中心,应遵照本办法执行。

    Foreign investors who invest to establish foreign-funded export procurement centers in China shall abide by the present Measures .

  18. 然而,吉拉德还有其他核不扩散方面的权威人士都说,中国已成为一个非法核采购中心。

    But China has become a hub for illicit nuclear procurement , according to Mr Gillard and other authorities on non-proliferation .

  19. 将政府数据作为江苏跨国采购中心起步阶段的推动力,能够发挥江苏跨国采购中心的比较优势和后发优势;

    Using government data as an impetus during the early stages of JSGSPC can bring comparative and later-comer advantages into play .

  20. 鼓励外商投资物流业,建立一批外商投资出口采购中心。

    Foreign investors are also encouraged to invest in logistics industry and to set up a number of foreign-funded export procurement centers .

  21. 持续进步作为亚洲采购中心的一员,我们不断努力,力求打造全球领先的采购团队。

    Continuous Improvement Asia Sourcing Center , I can see every enginer trying our best to build a world class sourcing team .

  22. 随着业务开始快速增长,我意识到我必须迁往上海,建立我的采购中心。

    Business began to take off and I realised that I would need to move to Shanghai to establish my sourcing office .

  23. 沃尔玛的全球采购中心建在中国深圳市,去年恒生银行的老总把办公室从伦敦搬到了香港。

    Wal-Mart 's global head of procurement is based in Shenzhen . HSBC 's boss moved from London to Hong Kong last year .

  24. 随着沃尔玛全球业务扩张,沃尔玛成立了全球采购中心,来实施其全球化采购战略。

    With the global business continued to expand , Walmart decided to establish a global procurement centre to implement of its global sourcing strategy .

  25. 越来越多的跨国公司将制造中心和采购中心转移到中国,而中国国内也开始面向全球生产和经营。

    More and more multinational companies will manufacture center and procurement center in China , and China also began to face global production and operation .

  26. 特邀请了各政府采购中心、政府市政建设采购部门、国内外房地产开发商、装潢工程公司和专业买家等前来参观洽谈。

    Invite souring centre of government , the construction souring dept , real estate businessman , upholster project company and professional buyer to attend our fair .

  27. 同时,沃尔玛位于深圳的全球采购中心从中国采购大量商品出口到沃尔玛在全球其它国家的商店。

    In addition , Wal-Mart procures high volume of merchandise from China and exports to the rest of the world through its Global Procurement Center located in Shenzhen .

  28. 他的公司希望获得短期利润,而我的目标则是建立一个专注于产品开发和质量控制的“时装采购中心”。

    His company was looking to make short-term profits ; my goal was to build a " fashion sourcing office " focusing on product development and quality control .

  29. 在低成本和高利润的驱动下,跨国企业纷纷在华设立采购中心,并逐年扩大采购额,甚至不为本国政府的反倾销等政策而改变自己的采购行为。

    Being driven by the low cost and high profit , multi-national companies have surged into China to set global sourcing centers and enlarge the sourcing amount on annual basis .

  30. 集散中心各种商品名目繁多,应有尽有,努力打造人类所需的,从原材料到各种商品、机械、仪器等一站式的采购中心。

    In the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region Product Center , there is various categories product range from raw material , mechanism , equipment to all kinds of product which human need .