
  1. 优化采购管理降低采购成本

    Optimize Procurement Management to Reduce Procurement Cost

  2. 采购物流管理及成本控制

    Procurement Logistics Management and Cost Control

  3. 项目管理咨询:工程项目管理、项目风险管理、项目采购管理、项目成本管理、项目集成管理等方面的咨询。

    Project Management Consulting : Consulting of engineering project management , project risk management , project procurement management , project cost management , project integration management and so on .

  4. 随着企业间竞争的日益激烈,实现先进的供应链管理已成为企业生存的必备条件,而采购管理是降低成本、提高竞争优势的重要环节。

    With the increasingly intense competition between enterprises , the realization of advanced supply chain ( management ) has become an exquisite premise for the survival of firms . Procurement management is an important means to reduce costs and to enhance the competitive advantage .

  5. 本文最后以中国电子科技集团第X所为实例,通过实证分析,试图为军工科研单位加强存货采购管理、降低产品成本、提高经济效益有所帮助。

    At last , this paper includes the example of the CETC 's Xth research institution , which is used to help enforcing the management of stocking , reducing the costs of stocking and increasing the economy efficiency through the practical analysis .

  6. 加强采购管理、降低采购成本,已成为提高企业利润的又一个重要源泉。

    To strengthen procurement management and reduce procurement costs is considered to be another way to improve profit .

  7. 所以,加强船厂的物资采购管理是船厂降低成本的关键途径,即通过管理要效益。

    Therefore , improving material procurement management in shipyards is the key ways to reduce costs , namely , to get profits by management .

  8. 结果与结论:平价药店应重视物流建设和采购管理以控制低成本,通过改善和规范营业员工作方式,结合业态特点来打造服务品牌,以及制订合适的竞争战略。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSION : Logistical construction and purchase management should be emphasized to keep low cost in par drugstores under control . The service brands should be established based on enterprises ' own characteristics by improving and standardizing the service mode of salesmen and working out suitable competitive strategy .

  9. 作为决定产品生产成本和市场竞争力的重要因素之一,原辅材料的采购管理工作非常重要,采购管理也是降低生产成本最直接的、有效的途径之一。

    As to be the one of the key factors for the production cost and market competition , the purchase management to the raw and supplementary materials is very important , and the purchase management is also one of the direct and best effective way to reduce the production cost .

  10. 此外利用网上商业平台开展网上B2B采购和网上招标采购模式,也可以获得低价优势和大幅降低采购管理成本。

    In addition utilizes online commercial platform to launch B2B and bidding purchase mode on web , can obtain the advantage of the low price and reduce the cost of procurement management by a wide margin too .

  11. 通过对三洋冷链采购管理的分析,最后把一些国内外成熟的管理方法应用到采购管理上,如成本价值链分析法,平衡记分卡法,标准成本制度等方法。

    With the analysis to purchase management of DALIAN SANYO COLD CHAIN , apply some domestic and international mature management methods to the purchase management , such as the Cost Value Chain Analysis method , the Balance Score Card method , standard cost system , customer relation management etc.