
shì fànɡ zhě
  • Releaser;liberator
  1. 理论研究大大地激发了人为的干预政策和对释放者的扮演

    The strategy of intervention and the role of the emancipator are strongly inspired by critical theory .

  2. 置入后再行IVUS,对未达到理想释放者进行高压球囊后扩张。

    If IVUS criteria of optimal stent deployment were not met , post-dilatation with noncompliant balloons at higher pressure and reassessment with IVUS were performed .

  3. 他们需要感受到他们是伟大的释放者。

    They need to feel like they 're the great emancipators .

  4. 货物分发者,囚犯释放者。

    A releaser of shipments ; a releaser of prisoners .

  5. 结果显示,她负责的那个刑满释放者和瘾君子在那天下午都接受过医生诊查。

    They revealed that her ex-prisoner and the drug user had seen doctors that afternoon .

  6. 在法兰克人中间,国王的奴隶和被释放者,起初在宫廷里,后来在国家中,都起了重要的作用;

    Among the Franks , slaves and freedmen of the king played a leading part first at the court and then in the state ;

  7. 主耶稣基督,我承认我需要祢,我接受祢成为我的救主、我的救赎主、我的主、我的释放者。

    Lord Jesus , I acknowledge my need of you and accept you as my Savior , my redeemer , my Lord and my deliverer .

  8. 但当二氧化碳含量增高、土壤干燥到一定程度,微生物就会开始分解积累的有机碳,森林将变成温室气体净释放者。

    But as CO2 levels rise and soils dry , microbes can start breaking down accumulated organic matter , so forests become net producers of greenhouse gases .

  9. 体育运动是现代人体内能量积蓄的释放者,抗御着各种现代社会的疾病;

    Sports can be used to release the energy that has been deposited in modern man 's body and resist many kinds of illnesses in modern society .

  10. 资格刑作为一项重要刑种,在刑罚制裁体系中起着十分重要的作用;前科作为刑罚的后遗性效果,给刑满释放者带来了极大的负面影响,严重阻碍了其社会化进程。

    As an important sentence type , qualification penalty plays an important role in the system of penal sanctions . As a consequential effect of penalty , criminal record can bring a great negative impact and a serious impediment in the socialization process of the former prisoners .

  11. 由血药浓度-时间图可见,给予片芯的对照组时滞很短,而给予吲哚美辛结肠靶向释放片者时滞在5h左右,可见在动物体内包衣片可以控制药物延时释放。

    From the fig of blood drug concentration-time curve , we can find that the time lag is very short in the control group which was given the tablets core .

  12. 由于暴力不断加剧,警方决定释放被捕者。

    As the violence escalated , police decided to release the prisoners .

  13. 妇女们在城外的道路上举行了抗议活动,要求释放被拘留者。

    Women staged a protest on the road outside the town , demanding the release of the detained men .

  14. 当你释放与来犯者的业力,替换记录持有者并恢复所丢失的事物时,你就从这样一个遭遇中康复。

    As one releases karma with the perpetrator , replaces the Record Keeper and retrieves what has been lost , one recovers from such an encounter .

  15. 高空急流提供动力不稳定条件,低空急流是暴雪区水汽的提供者和对流不稳定能量释放的触发者;

    The upper-level jet created the dynamic instability condition and the low-level jet played the vapour provider of the snowstorm and the trigger of convective instability energy release .

  16. 有指控称BP石油公司在说服释放洛克比空难爆炸者迈格拉希的问题上发挥了作用,卡梅伦和奥巴马为相关问题做好了准备。

    David Cameron and Barack Obama were peppered with questions about allegations that BP played a role in securing the release of the convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi .

  17. 结论:AngⅡ是PAI1合成与释放的重要调节者之一,二者相互影响可加速心功能的恶化。

    Conclusions : Angiotensin ⅱ is an important regulator in the synthesis and release of PAI-1 . The interaction of them can deteriorate the cardiac function of patients with HF .

  18. 马林表示,为了越南融入国际社会和促进发展,河内政府必须立即释放持不同政见者。

    He said for the sake of Vietnam 's international integration and development , its government must release the dissidents now .