
  • 网络the Physiocrats;physiocracy;physiocratic school
  1. 弗朗索瓦·魁奈(FrancoisQuesnay,1694&1774)是法国启蒙思想家之一,资产阶级古典政治经济学奠基人之一,法国重农学派的创始人和重要代表。

    Francois Quesnay ( 1694-1774 ) was a French thinker of the Enlightenment , a founder of bourgeoisie classical plutonomy , a founder and representative of French physiocrats .

  2. 重农学派却别有会心,用了诡辩的推理方法,从另一角度来看这种本质。

    It was reserved for the school of physiocrats to regard this nature from another point of view in consequence of a sophistical line of reasoning .

  3. 重农学派和斯密都信奉自然秩序。

    Heavy agronomy clique and Si Mi order of believe in nature .

  4. 重农学派与中国古代重农思想的比较

    A comparison of physiocracy and Chinese ancient agriculture priority ideas

  5. 重商主义以后,真正将资本研究的重心从流通领域转移到生产领域的是重农学派。

    After Mercantilism , it was physiocrat that shifted the focus of capital research from the circulating area to the production one .

  6. 重农学派是第一次对生产和资本在生产中的作用问题提出明确观点的学派。

    The physiocrat was the school of thought that first proposed specific viewpoint about functions that the produce and capital performed in production .

  7. 以狄德罗为首的百科全书派,以杜尔哥①为首的重农学派,以伏尔泰为首的哲学家,以卢梭为首的乌托邦主义者,这是四支神圣的大军。

    The encyclopedists , Diderot at their head ; the physiocrates , Turgot at their head ; the philosophers , Voltaire at their head ; the Utopians , Rousseau at their head , & these are four sacred legions .

  8. 整个欧洲的文化传统、他所处时代的哲学思潮是产生其经济伦理思想的理论基础,尤其是重农学派和大卫·休谟、弗兰西斯·哈奇森、贝纳德·曼德威尔对斯密的思想产生了直接的影响(第三章)。

    The cultural tradition of whole Europe and the philosophical trends of his time were the theoretical bases that produced his thoughts of economic ethic , especially physiocracy and David Hume and Francis Hutcheson and Bernard Mandeville brought about a direct influences upon his thoughts .