
yě xīn
  • ambition;careerism;wild ambition;free,unburdened mind
野心 [yě xīn]
  • (1) [wild ambition;careerism]∶心性放纵,不可驯服或心怀叛离之心,不安本分

  • 野心勃勃

  • 北狄野心。--南朝梁. 丘迟《与陈伯之书》

  • (2) [free,unburdened mind]∶指喜好闲散、隐逸的心绪

野心[yě xīn]
  1. 野心败露了。

    One 's wild ambition came to light .

  2. 野心和权欲&评哈姆莱特和国王的悲剧

    Wild Ambition and lust for Power & On the tragedy of Hamlet and the king

  3. 权力与野心使他腐化堕落。

    He was corrupted by power and ambition .

  4. 政治抱负和个人野心开始压倒经济利益。

    Political and personal ambitions are starting to prevail over economic interests .

  5. 他被指责为实现自己当总统的野心而不惜毁灭该党。

    He stands accused of destroying the party in pursuit of his presidential ambitions

  6. 政治是排外的,充满野心的,只顾自己不顾他人的。

    Politics is clubby , careerist , and cynical

  7. 我承认我有野心,但我不认为这是个贬义词。

    I agree I am ambitious , and I don 't see that as a pejorative term

  8. 《麦克白》讲述的是一个苏格兰士兵当上了国王,却毁于自己的野心。

    Macbeth is the story of a Scottish soldier who becomes king but is undone by his own ambition .

  9. 辛普森不择手段的勃勃野心和自抬身价的毛病使他没能成为英国广播公司最受欢迎的记者。

    Simpson 's ruthless ambition and weakness for self-promotion has not made him the most popular journalist in the BBC .

  10. 他谋取高位的野心未能得逞。

    His ambition of getting a higher position was not achieved .

  11. 他们有控制这个小国的野心。

    They had the ambition to dominate this small country .

  12. 她没有个人野心。

    She has no personal ambition .

  13. 他的野心没有得逞。

    His ambition was not satisfied .

  14. 他的野心毫无止境。

    His ambition is unbounded .

  15. 此声明完全暴露了他征服世界的野心。

    The statement laid bare his ambition for world conquest .

  16. 他的野心大于他的才干。

    His ambition outruns his ability .

  17. 他是个有野心的人。

    He is an ambitious man .

  18. 然而,近年来,一些公司在一个更具野心的项目上投资。

    More recently , however , some companies have been investing money in a more ambitious undertaking .

  19. 从不畏惧大肆赞扬他自己的成就,自负的卡莱姆的确发了一大笔财,因为一些有社会野心的富裕家庭会邀请他去他们的厨房。

    Never afraid to talk up his own accomplishments , a boastful Car ê me made a fortune as wealthy families with social ambitions invited him to their kitchens .

  20. 什么也满足不了这个野心家的权力欲。

    Nothing could sate the careerist 's greed for power .

  21. 她为她自己并无所求,可为父亲和我,却有着无法遏制的野心。

    For herself she wanted nothing . For father and myself she was incurably ambitious .

  22. 除了4C外,菲亚特克莱斯勒还有更大的野心。

    Fiat Chrysler has much bigger ambitions than this particular model .

  23. 作为一名3D技术的忠实拥护者,导演詹姆斯?卡梅隆已经实现了他的野心,观众欣赏他的3D版《阿凡达2》时可以不戴眼镜了。

    Filmmaker James Cameron , forever an advocate for the 3D format , has achieved his ambition of letting audiences watch his Avatar sequels in 3D without having to don a pair of glasses .

  24. 布法罗新闻和BlueChipStamps是伯克希尔早期收购的两家企业,这只是伯克希尔打响的第一枪:自那以来,该公司从未停止收购企业,也没有压制自身大手笔收购的野心。

    Among the first of these were the Buffalo News and Blue Chip Stamps , and they were just the opening shots : Berkshire has never since stopped buying companies nor suppressed its ambitions of buying big .

  25. 与她饰演的伊丽莎白·麦科德(ElizabethMcCord)一样,她拥有希拉里的头脑和决心,却没有她的政治野心和重负。

    As Elizabeth McCord , she has all the brains and determination of the original and none of the political ambition and baggage .

  26. 谷歌(Google)已经站在了行业的巅峰,该公司首席执行官拉里o佩奇正在追寻越来越多充满野心的探月计划,这些前沿项目有望改变运输、医药、互联网以及其他行业。

    Google is at the top of its game , and its chief executive , Larry Page , is pursuing a growing number of ambitious moon shots that could transform transportation , medicine , the Internet itself , and more .

  27. 俄罗斯需要减少其地缘政治野心,使其符合自身的实际份量&国内生产总值(GDP)仅占全球3%、生活水平只有美国的四分之一的新兴经济体。

    Russia needs to scale down its geopolitical ambition to its real weight – that of an emerging economy with only 3 per cent of the world 's gross domestic product and a quarter of America 's living standard .

  28. Talim打算每隔三、四天就给出一次课程指导,这看起来有点儿野心,不过可以保持学习者高涨的学习热情。

    Talim intends to give course direction every third or fourth day which is ambitious-but will help keep the energy up .

  29. 大阪年轻的无党派市长桥下彻(ToruHashimoto)脾气急躁、富有野心,并且有一个宏大的构想:把大阪发展为另一个首都城市,以防东京地区发生严重地震。

    Toru Hashimoto , the young independent mayor of Osaka , is hot-tempered , ambitious and has a big idea : to develop Osaka into a second capital city as insurance against a serious earthquake in the Tokyo region .

  30. 《唐顿庄园》的执行制片人GarethNeame说:当新一季明年回归时观众可以期待看到更多戏剧性的东西,更多喜剧元素交织着爱恨、妒忌、野心、敌对、绝望和浪漫等。

    Downton Abbey executive producer Gareth Neame said , Viewers can look forward to more drama , comedy , love , hatred , jealousy , rivalry , ambition , despair and romance when the series returns next year .