
  • 网络Wildlife Management
  1. 世界野生动物管理现状

    Status of Wildlife Management in the World

  2. 彼得。汉宁在津巴布韦东南部参与野生动物管理许多年了。

    Peter Henning has been involved in wildlife management in southeastern Zimbabwe for many years .

  3. 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局仔细监测和管理黄石公园的狼群。

    The U . S . Fish and Wildlife Service carefully monitors and manages the wolf packs in Yellowstone .

  4. CITES水生野生动物管理最新进展及对我国的影响分析

    Progress on management of aquatic wildlife international trade and its impact on China

  5. 狮子的种群规模曾经较为稳定,但在过去三年里显著缩小,因此美国鱼类和野生动物管理局(UnitedStatesFishandWildlifeService)提议将之列为受威胁物种。

    Lion populations had been stable , but because they dropped noticeably in the last three years , the United States Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed listing the lion as a threatened species .

  6. 圣保罗市安全和检查部发言人劳丽·布里克利(LaurieBrickley)说,设置诱捕装置的野生动物管理服务公司(WildlifeManagementServices)于周三早上接回了浣熊。

    Wildlife Management Services , the company that set the traps , retrieved the raccoon on Wednesday morning , said Laurie Brickley , a spokeswoman for the city 's Department of Safety and Inspections .

  7. 肯雅野生动物管理局估计现时约有460头犀牛。

    The Kenya Wildlife Service estimates the current rhino population at460 .

  8. 一家私人野生动物管理公司将把这只浣熊放归野外。

    A private wildlife management company will release the animal into the wild .

  9. 哈尔滨城市野生动物管理技术与对策

    Techniques and Strategies for Urban Wildlife Management in Harbin

  10. 野生动物管理人员将它送回大自然和它伙伴的身边。

    Wildlife management is taking him back to the wilds and his buddies .

  11. 玛莎·威廉姆斯是美国鱼类和野生动物管理局的首席副主任。

    Martha Williams is principal deputy director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service .

  12. 野生动物管理可分成珍稀动物管理、经济动物管理和普通动物管理。

    Wildlife management includes management of rare animals , economic animals and normal animals .

  13. 问题6:野生动物管理公司是怎么处理捕获的浣熊?

    Question 6 : What will the wildlife management company do with the captured raccoon ?

  14. 针对我国自然保护区的现况,提出了野生动物管理的策略要点。

    To deal with the existing situation of nature reserves , wildlife management strategy is present .

  15. 南部非洲地区野生动物管理协会

    Southern African Wildlife Management Association

  16. 自然保护区野生动物管理初探

    Wildlife management in nature reserves

  17. 为了接好坠落的黑熊,野生动物管理部门的人员在树下放置了一个大的黑色垫子。

    In preparation for the beasts tumble , wildlife officials set up a large black mat under the tree .

  18. 美国渔类及野生动物管理局已经将蒙大拿和爱达荷州的野狼管理权移交给各州有关机构。

    The Fish and Wildlife Service has already turned management of wolves over to state agencies in Montana and Idaho .

  19. 不久,这头狮子攻击了前来寻找它踪迹的狗,之后被野生动物管理部门击毙。

    The mountain lion was later killed by wildlife officials after it attacked a dog brought in to track the animal .

  20. 鱼类和野生动物管理局研究东部美洲狮的首席科学家马克·麦科洛说,这种动物很可能从上世纪30年代就已灭绝。

    The service 's lead scientist for the eastern cougar , Mark McCollough , said the animal has likely been extinct since the1930s .

  21. 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局最近宣布了一项计划,将帝企鹅列为《濒危物种法》下的受威胁物种。

    The United States Fish and Wildlife Service recently announced a plan to list the Emperor penguins as threatened under the Endangered Species Act .

  22. 芦苇河火灾救援队、奥兰治县以及佛罗里达鱼类野生动物管理局共同展开了对该名儿童和鳄鱼的搜索工作。

    Reedy Creek Fire Rescue , Orange County and the Florida Fish and Wildlife authorities were searching for both the child and the alligator .

  23. “野生动物管理人员把想把它弄出来,结果没有成功。之后他们要求我们不要进入我的房间。”

    " Animal control came out to get it and they couldn 't catch it and they said we couldn 't go in my room . "

  24. 标记化管理的初步实施,推动了我国野生动物管理事业的发展进程,是实现规范化管理的重要标志;

    The primary enforcement of marking management , which promoted the process of wildlife management development , is an important symbol for the realization of standardized management ;

  25. 第七条国务院林业、渔业行政主管部门分别主管全国陆生、水生野生动物管理工作。

    Article 7 The departments of forestry and fisheries administration under the State Council shall be respectively responsible for the nationwide administration of terrestrial and aquatic wildlife .

  26. 县级以上地方政府渔业行政主管部门主管本行政区域内水生野生动物管理工作。

    The departments of fishery administration under the local governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the administration of aquatic wildlife in their respective areas .

  27. 培训包括农业,水产养殖,野生动物管理,生物化学,水质和废水管理,林业科学的各个方面的研究,以及其他。

    Training includes the study of various aspects of agriculture , aquaculture , wildlife management , biochemistry , water quality and waste water management , forestry science , and other topics .

  28. 生态城市善待环境,崇尚自然的理念有助于提高人们的动物保护意识,从而提高城市野生动物管理水平。

    Well treatment to the environment and the concept of naturism of ecopolis will be helpful to raise the consciousness of wildlife conservation , then to enhance the level of wildlife management .

  29. 一位热衷的地方,然而,穆罕默德哈米德,28岁的学生,谁的极大兴趣,在学校的性质,现在做了一定程度的野生动物管理在大学附近的拉瓦尔品第。

    One keen local , however , is Muhammad Hamid , a28-year-old student who became interested in nature at school and is now doing a degree in wildlife management at university in nearby Rawalpindi .

  30. 一头大黑熊闯入了美国科罗拉多大学的校园,野生动物管理部门的人员帮助它安全度过这一困境。

    A large black bear who wandered up into a tree at the University of Colorado - Boulder , is again safe after wildlife department officials managed to get him out of a sticky situation .