
  1. 外军特种部队野战生存训练对我军的启示

    The Enlightenments of Field Combat Survival Training of the Foreign Special Forces to Our Army

  2. 结果:在野战生存条件下严重缺水的时可以大大增强战士的求生信心,延长等待救援的时间。

    Results The water collector could extend the waiting time for rescue and enhance the soldiers'confidence to survive .

  3. 现代战争中,战役工程保障在隐蔽战役部署、提高野战生存能力、确保战场快速机动等方面发挥着重要作用,是夺取联合战役胜利的重要保证。

    In the modern warfare , the battle engineering support plays an important role in concealing battle deployment , enhancing viability of the troops in battlefield , ensuring rapid action in battlefield , etc. It is an important assurance to win in joint operations .

  4. 伪装和机动对野战指挥所生存能力影响定量研究

    Survivability influence quantitative research of camouflage and mobile to the field command post

  5. 通过对战场野战弹药库生存能力影响因素的分析,提出了一系列相应提升其生存能力的防护措施。

    This text analyses the influencing factors of field magazine battlefield viability , then puts forward a series of defensive measures which can increase the field magazine battlefield viability .

  6. 野战弹药库战场生存能力是其发挥快速保障能力、质量保障能力的前提。

    Field magazine battlefield viability is the precondition of ensuring rapid and effective support .

  7. 对提升野战弹药库战场生存能力的研究,有助于增强我军战斗力、打赢现代化战争。

    The study of reinforcing the field magazine battlefield viability contributes to increase our army fighting strength and to win modern war .

  8. 野战游戏也叫生存游戏,是伍拾年代起源于美国中西部的一种户外活动。

    The field operation game is also called the survival game , is50 ages stems from the American mid-west one kind of outdoor activity .