
  1. 于是我从迷彩这个元素出发对军品店的店面和室内进行设计。

    So I design the storefront and interior of the military store proceed from camouflage element .

  2. 我希望通过设计把军品店包装成一个很具有视觉性,很时尚的一个购物空间,从而吸引更多的消费者。

    I intend to design'Ranger'military store to a fashionable shopping space with visuality by re-packing it so as to attract more consumers .

  3. 但是,在服役之初发到一整套制服之后,军官们仍须自己购买新的制服配件,不过他们可以到专门向军官和军属开放的特别军品店购买。

    However , after being issued a complete uniform kit at the start of service officers will afterwards have to purchase new uniform components themselves , albeit from special military stores open only to officers and their families .