
  1. 军官是流动的,很多军官要退出军队系统、转入地方,这部分人被称作退役军官。

    Many officers want to withdraw from the military system and transfer to local government who called retired officer .

  2. 军队系统的实验动物管理工作参照本条例执行。

    The administration of the work with respect to experimental animals in the armed forces shall be governed with reference to these Regulations .

  3. 但是在军队系统如何开展大型医疗设备的验收检测和状态检测、如何进行质量控制和质量保证活动,尚未有成功的经验。

    But successful experiences have not been achieved on how to carry out QA and QC activities such for modern medical equipments in the army .

  4. 截止2008年底,我国已有测绘资质单位11269个,广泛分布在近三十个部门及军队系统。

    Up to the end of 2008 , there was 11269 surveying and mapping endowment units in China , widely distributed in nearly 30 departments and the military system .

  5. 一些美国官员和人权主义组织说,美国军队系统地对阿富汗,Guantonamo湾和伊拉克的数百名拘留者大声播放音乐来对他们进行折磨。

    Detainees , some US officials and human rights groups say US forces have systematically used loud music against hundreds of detainees in Afghanistan , Guantonamo Bay and Iraq .

  6. 军队信息系统安全容灾恢复机制研究

    Research on Disaster Tolerance System to Information Security of the Military

  7. 努力推进军队卫生系统的计算机应用

    Actively Promoting Computer Application in the Military Health Service System

  8. 军队医疗系统职务犯罪的预防

    Prevention of Duty Guilty in Military Medical System

  9. 军队卫生系统开展全科医学教育初探

    Study on developing the general practice education in the basic health system of army

  10. 本文认为,优秀的军队行政系统,应当认识到行政文化的存在及其对行政管理活动的巨大影响作用。

    Excellent system of army administration should realize the important role played by administrative culture in administrative activities .

  11. 本论文中的军队标号系统已经在不同的系统中予以应用。

    The system of military symbols in this paper has already been put into use in some systems .

  12. 信息化时代的到来给军队武器系统信息化建设带来了新的要求和挑战。

    The advent of information age has brought new demands and challenges to information construction of military weapon systems .

  13. 医院的外事工作随着国家和军队卫生系统对外学术交流的日益活跃,在对外交流的广度和深度上不断深化。

    With the development of foreign communication , the depth an width of foreign affairs in hospital has been enlarged .

  14. 八五期间军队卫生系统获国家科学技术进步奖回顾分析

    Reflections on and Analysis of National Scientific and Technological Awards Won by Military Health Departments during the Eighth Five-year Plan Period

  15. 系统地介绍了军队卫生系统计算机应用的概况,总结了军队卫生系统自动化建设的主要经验,并提出了加强军队卫生系统计算机应用的设想。

    This article gives an overall and systematic retrospect-and-prospect overview on computer application and automation construction in the military health service system .

  16. 它的产生最早起源于美国为保证在苏联第一次核打击下,其司令部仍能发出作战指令而对军队通讯系统的改善。

    It originated from America in the Soviet union to ensure the first nuclear strike down , Its headquarters still can send in instructions and military communications system .

  17. 随着信息技术、现代通信技术和多媒体技术的高速发展,军队指挥系统的数字化、智能化、网络化、可视化已成为必然的发展趋势。

    With the rapid development of network technology , communication technology and multimedia technology , it is common that chain of command becomes digital , intelligent and visible .

  18. 为了保证军队指挥系统的软件质量,结合军用指挥自动化软件的开发特点,研究与开发了一套软件配置管理系统。

    In order to guarantee the software quality of military command systems , a set of software configuration management systems was developed in terms of the development features of military command automation .

  19. 作者通过对某地区军队医疗系统职务犯罪情况的调查,分析了军队医疗系统职务犯罪的特点和主要渠道,阐明了军队医疗系统预防职务犯罪的薄弱环节;

    It was investigated by the author that the duty guilty situation of the military medical system in the certain region . It is analyzed that the characteristic and the main channel of the duty guilty in the military medical system .

  20. 为加快军队卫生系统的信息化建设,本文阐述了全军卫生信息化建设的基本情况和新世纪全军卫生信息化建设展望;

    For quickening the information construction of the military hygienic system , it is expounded in this article that the basic instance of the hygienic information construction in the whole army and the expectation of the hygienic information construction in the whole army in new century .

  21. 基于Web的军队在线考试系统题库与成绩库安全性的研究

    Research on the Security of the Item Pool and Transcript Pool of the Web-based Military Online Examination System

  22. 基于Multi-Agent的军队后勤保障系统模型研究

    Study on Army Rear-service Security System Model Based on Multi-agent

  23. 军队医院PACS系统建设优化的研究

    Optimization Study on Establishment of the Military Hospital PACS System

  24. 随着Internet、分布式数据库等技术的发展,使军队油库信息系统集成成为可能。

    As a result of the development of computer science technology , such as Internet and Distributed Database , it becomes available to integrate the military oil depot information system .

  25. 针对目前军队库存监控系统不能满足灵敏后勤的需求,提出了一种基于多Agent的库存控制系统。

    The paper puts forward an inventory control system based on MAS , which consists of reengineering agent , task agent , resource management agent and inventory resources agent .

  26. 军队医院PACS系统的引进与实施

    The implementation of PACS in military hospital

  27. 最后介绍了OLAP多维分析在军队通信指挥系统的实现。

    Finally it presents the implement of the military commanding communication system by OLAP multidimensional analysis technology , etc.

  28. 根据军队物资保障系统的任务,依照评价指标体系的制定原则,建立了军队物资保障能力指标体系,研究了物资保障能力评价的BP网络模型。用实例对物资保障能力进行了综合评价。

    According to the task of military materials support system and formulating rule of evaluating index system , the paper sets up index system for military material support ability , studies BP network model to evaluate material support ability .

  29. 带条件接收信息的军队视频监控系统的研究

    Research on the military video surveillance system with conditional access information

  30. 基于秘密共享的军队指挥信息系统安全存储方案

    A Safety Storage Scheme of Military Command Information System based Secret Share