
  • 网络military law;martial law
  1. 军事法律;

    The military law ;

  2. 尤金.菲德尔是耶鲁大学军事法律学讲师,他长期以来都对关塔那摩湾的作法进行批评。

    Attorney Eugene Fidell is a lecturer on military law at Yale University , and has long criticized the Guantanamo process .

  3. 中国军事法律文化现代化之应然状态研究

    Research on Ideal State of Chinese Military Legal Cultural Modernization

  4. 秦简中的军事法律制度

    The military legal system found in The Bamboo Slips In Qin Dynasty

  5. 秦简中的军事法律制度论战时军事刑事诉讼法律制度

    On the Legal System of Military Criminal Lawsuits at Wartime

  6. 一些军事法律与规定与后勤、纪律、训练等方面有关。

    Some military laws and regulations concernlogistics , discipline , drill , etc.

  7. 开展军事法律法规规章清理汇编工作。

    Military laws , regulations and rules have been reviewed and consolidated .

  8. 军事法律关系的性质研究

    The Study on the Military Juridical Relation

  9. 军事法律关系研究

    On the military jural relation

  10. 多年来,一些政客一直在为改变这些军事法律而斗争,但均以失败告终。

    Some politicians have been fighting , and failing , for years to change these military laws .

  11. 从历史角度看,军事法律文化现代化是军事法律文化的成长与跃进过程,是军队法制建设发展的必然。

    Historically military legal cultural modernization is a grow-up and leap-out course of military legal culture , and a necessity of the military legal system building .

  12. 裁决还认定,该法庭的审判程序违反了美国自己的军事法律以及日内瓦国际战俘公约。

    The judgment also declared that the trial procedures of the said court had violated the military laws of the United States and the Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War .

  13. 军事法律关系的性质如何,关系到军事法和军事法学的整体定位,对于军事法学的理论研究和实践探索具有重要的工具性价值。

    The nature of the military juridical relation is closely connected with the point where military laws and military jurisprudence and it is of great significance and value to the theoretical research and practice .

  14. 下编中主要阐述了对现代军事法律制度的一些构想,主要有关于军事行政权的确定、军事行政诉讼制度的构建及中央军事领导体制的完善等方面做出了一些设想。

    Secondly , the article discussed some conceptions about the modern military legal system , such as the definition of the military administrative power , the establishment of the military administrative action , and the perfection of the central military leadership system .

  15. 美国军事经济法律制度初探

    An analysis of the U.S. military economic laws and regulations

  16. 军事训练法律问题的基本类型。

    Basic types of legal issues in military training .

  17. 同时,应就不同类型的军事行政法律规则进行具体的价值选择。

    In the meantime , different types of military administrative law have different specific value judgment .

  18. 古罗马会发布《罗马公报》(或称《每日纪闻》),里面会涉及到处理军事、法律和民事的问题,让民众通过文章了解这些事项的结果;

    The Romans were known to contribute to public discourse through the use of official texts detailing military , legal and civil issues .

  19. 在一些关键性的应用领域,如军事、法律和文学等,文本内容的改变是不可容忍的。

    In some critical application areas , such as military , legislation and literature fields , changes of the contents of the text are intolerable .

  20. 而政治、社会、军事、法律、舆论等非经济风险因素则贯穿并购的各个阶段。

    On the other hand , the non-economic factors , like political , social , martial , law , and consensus , are shown during every stage .

  21. 受所处军事、法律政治、社会文化、经济、科技教育等环境因素的影响,各国军队后勤管理模式表现出一定的差异性。

    Influenced by the military , law , politics , society , culture economics , technology and education , the manners of logistic management displays some difference .

  22. 《密勿稿》一书,内容涵盖比较全面,举凡政治、军事、法律、经济、社会、民生、文化无一不有。

    Close Do not issued on a book , which covers more comprehensive of all political , military , legal , economic , social , livelihood , culture are all there .

  23. 在进行数字作品版权保护的某些时候或者是电子政务、军事及法律金融等领域内,有时需要嵌入很大容量的隐密信息。

    In conducting digital copyright protection at certain times or in the fields of e-government , military and legal and financial , it sometimes need to be embedded great capacity hidden information .

  24. 海外工程项目的承包涉及他国的政治、经济、军事、法律、文化、自然环境等许多方面,其中的风险多而复杂。

    The contract in overseas engineering projects relates to so many aspects of other countries such as politics , economics , military affairs , laws , cultures and natural environment that it has more complicated risks .

  25. 在宋代,各种持续性的气候灾害,以及异常冷、热的气候环境,都对宋代的经济、军事、法律等在内的社会各个方面造成了重大的影响。

    As far as song dynasty , varieties of constant weather disasters , and extreme cold and hot climate conditions have exerted great effects on all aspects of society of Song Dynasty ranging from economy , military to law .

  26. 本文提出了完善外空军事化法律规制需要首要考虑对两种外空军事化活动的区分以及同相关空间军事技术发展适应的重要性。

    This article suggested that making a difference between two kinds of military space activities while legislating and the adaptability of legislation are the most important before improvement of regulations of militarization of space , as well as the importance of adaptability of space militarization technology .

  27. 与2003年针对萨达姆侯赛因(saddamhussein)的战争不同,此次军事行动的法律依据十分清晰。

    Unlike the war against Saddam Hussein in 2003 , the legal foundation of this action is clear .

  28. 土耳其同意取消对以色列军事人员的法律诉讼。

    Turkey agreed to drop any legal steps against Israeli military personnel .

  29. 论专属经济区军事利用的法律问题

    Legal Issues on Military Use of Exclusive Economic Zone

  30. 军事立法与法律保留原则

    Military legislation and the principle of law reservation