
yě qiáng wēi
  • wild rose;multiflora rose
野蔷薇 [yě qiáng wēi]
  • [multiflora rose] 泛指野生的蔷薇

野蔷薇[yě qiáng wēi]
  1. 目的:研究新疆地产植物野蔷薇、黑加仑、沙枣、巴旦杏提取物对人肝癌细胞的抑制作用。

    Objective : To study the inhibitory effect of human liver cancer cell by extractions from Xinjiang area plants multiflora rose , black current , narrow-leaved oleaster , almond tree .

  2. 这栋房子没有被野蔷薇覆盖,房子前面有一个漂亮的小花园,开满了蓝色黄色的鲜花。

    This house was not covered by wild rose bushes . A nice little garden in front of the house was full of blue and yellow flowers .

  3. 金银花和野蔷薇把道旁的树也薰香了

    The pale woodbines and the dog-roses were scenting the hedgerows .

  4. 野蔷薇除了MDA和膜透性之间相关性不强,说明除了MDA大量累积破坏膜的稳定性以外还有其他的途径导致膜的透性增加。

    But for , Rosa Multiflora correlation between MDA and membrane is not strong , which indiCATe that other approach which may damages membrane stability .

  5. 新疆野蔷薇种子油的脂肪酸组成分析

    Fatty acid composition analysis of Rosa spp seed oil in Xinjiang

  6. 目击时间的深渊&《野蔷薇》及其他

    The witness of the abyss of time & on Wild Rose

  7. 综合比较,野蔷薇的适应能力最强。

    Comprehensive comparison , The ability to adapt of Rosa multiflora Thunb .

  8. 遮荫对野蔷薇实生苗根颈生长的影响

    Effects of shading on the growth of seedling crown of Rosa multiflora

  9. 《野蔷薇》:处于男权意识樊篱中的女性命运

    " Wild Rose ": the Female Destiny under Patriarchal Consciousness

  10. 野蔷薇在树林和树篱中很常见。

    The wild rose is a familiar sight in woods and hedges .

  11. 我就是存在的野蔷薇和红樱桃。

    I 'm the wild eglantine and cherry that exist .

  12. 醇厚的酒体,散发出浓郁的洋李、黑樱桃和野蔷薇的芬芳。

    A dense wine loaded with rich plum , black cherry and briar .

  13. 这双鞋带着她走过荆棘的野蔷薇;

    The shoes carried her over stack and stone ;

  14. 山上有许多野蔷薇丛。

    There are brier bushes on the hill .

  15. 春天野蔷薇灿烂开放,夏天空气里弥漫它的芬芳。

    The wild rose-briar is sweet in spring , Its summer blossoms scent the air ;

  16. 黄水仙、雏菊、杏花、桃花、山茱萸花、野蔷薇。

    the almond-tree in blossom ; the peach-tree in blossom ; the cornelian-tree in blossom ; sweet-briar .

  17. 本实验对华中地区四种野蔷薇的再生和遗传转化进行了系统研究。

    In this study , some researches had been done on the regeneration and genetic transformation of R. multiflora .

  18. 他得和灌木、荨麻、出楂、野蔷薇、飞廉和一触即怒的黑莓打交道。

    He had to deal with holly bushes , nettles , hawthorns , eglantines , thistles , and very irascible brambles .

  19. 在其中我以为决不应当有任何树木,除了几丛野蔷薇和忍冬,其间再杂以野葡萄之类的植物;

    Trees I would have none in it , but some thickets made only of sweet-briar and honeysuckle , and some wild vine amongst ;

  20. 野蔷薇具有繁殖容易、生长快、抗热性强及观赏价值高的特点,既可用作月季砧木,也可用作育种的亲本。

    R. multiflora , with characteristics of easy propagation , fast growth and strong heat resistance , can be used as rootstock , as well as breeding parent for Roses .

  21. 本文从女主人公的名字、红色、野蔷薇、《圣经》典故等方面入手,阐述了《红字》中的象征意义。

    This article from the heroine 's name , red , wild rose ," the Bible " allusions and other aspects , elaborated symbolic meanings in " the Scarlet Letter " .

  22. 同时通过用不同浓度的秋水仙素溶液对七姊妹、中国无刺野蔷薇和日本无刺野蔷薇插条进行处理,研究插条的成活率、成活植株叶片的外部形态变化。

    At the same time , study the survival rate of cuttings and the leaf shape variation of survival plant through different concentration of Colchicine solution dealing with different varietas or ecotypes of Rosa multiflora cuttings .

  23. 在其中我以为决不应当有任何树木,除了几丛野蔷薇和忍冬,其间再杂以野葡萄之类的植物;地上则多植香堇,杨莓和樱草。

    Trees I would have none in it , but some thickets made only of sweet-briar and honeysuckle , and some wild vine amongst ; and the ground set with violets , strawberries , and primroses .

  24. 这些独立木的种类应当是玫瑰、杜松、冬青、伏牛花(但是这花只可偶而有之,因为它底气味过浓,使人闷恹)、红醋粟、桃金娘、迷迭香、月桂、野蔷薇等等。

    The standards to be roses ; juniper ; holly ; berberries ( but here and there , because of the smell of their blossoms ) ; red currants ; gooseberries ; rosemary ; bays ; sweetbriar ;

  25. 到了三月则有香堇菜,尤其是单瓣蓝色的那一种,它们是开得最早的;黄水仙、雏菊、杏花、桃花、山茱萸花、野蔷薇。

    For March , there come violets , specially the single blue , which are the earliest ; the yellow daffodil ; the daisy ; the almond-tree in blossom ; the peach-tree in blossom ; the cornelian-tree in blossom ; sweet-briar .