
  • 网络Quantum Cryptography
  1. 从本质上讲量子密码学解决的就是经典密码学无法克服的障碍:即如何安全的分配对称密钥。

    In essence , quantum cryptography is to solve the obstacle : how to distribute keys secretly .

  2. 量子密码学的研究进展

    Progress in Quantum Cryptography Research

  3. 在第二章,主要介绍了量子密码学相关的理论及量子固有特性的研究。

    In Chapter ⅱ, the author mainly introduces the theory of quantum cryptography and the study of quantum characteristics .

  4. 综述了国内外最近在量子密码学研究中的相关研究以及向实用化转化的实验结果,并针对量子密钥分发方案提出了一种改进方案。最后对量子密码体制进行了展望。

    We summarize the investigation and development of quantum cryptography , and a improvement scheme for quantum key distribution is presented .

  5. 一些新兴的密码学理论,如混沌密码学、量子密码学等,也引起了愈来愈多的学者的青睐。

    Several new branches in this field such as chaotic cryptography and quanta cryptography have also attracted many research 's interests .

  6. 量子密码学是量子力学和密码学相结合的一门学科,量子密码的安全性由量子力学的基本原理&测不准原理和单量子态不可克隆定理保证。

    The security of quantum cryptosystems is guaranteed by the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics : the uncertainty principle and the non-cloning theorem .

  7. 介绍一个高速多通道时间记录仪,应用于量子密码学的研究试验中。

    This paper introduces a multi-channel and high-speed time recorder system , which was originally designed to work in the experiments of quantum cryptography research .

  8. 量子密码学这种新思想起因于量子世界的不确定性,物理法则为保密通信提供了可靠的安全保证。

    Quantum cryptography is a new method based on the uncertainty of the quanta world , the Law of Nature offers the ultimate security assurance for the secret communication .

  9. 不同于以数学问题为基础的传统密码体制,量子密码学的安全性是由海森堡测不准原理以及单量子不可克隆定理来保证的。

    Different from traditional cryptography which based on the assumed difficulty of mathematical problems , the security of quantum cryptography is based on Heisenberg uncertainty principle and quantum no-cloning theorem .

  10. 量子密码学是基于量子力学中的海森堡测不准原理和量子不可克隆原理发展起来的一种新型保密通信技术,在理论上已被证明是绝对安全、不可破译的。

    Quantum cryptography is a new type of secure communication technologies that based on Heisenberg uncertainty principle and no-cloning principle of quantum mechanics . It has been proved to be absolutely safe in theory .

  11. 具体来说:量子密码学就是指运用量子力学的手段在不安全的信道上传输密钥,任何窃听者对密钥的窃取都可以被合法的通信方发现。

    Specifically speaking , quantum cryptography refers to the means of distributing keys in an insecure channel with help of quantum mechanics , and any eavesdropping or theft of keys can be found by legitimate communication parties .

  12. 贝尔纠缠现在被用于多个实际应用,如量子计算和密码学。

    Bell entanglement is now harnessed in practical applications such as quantum computing and cryptography .

  13. 从安全性的角度出发,量子密码给密码学带来了新的思路。

    On the aspect of security , quantum cryptography brought a new idea to the field of cryptography .

  14. 量子密码是密码学与量子力学相结合的产物,是量子信息中最值得关注的一项应用。

    Quantum cryptography , the most remarkable application in quantum information , is the synthesis of quantum mechanics with the art of code-making ( cryptography ) .

  15. 量子力学和密码学的结合一量子密码术,成功地解决了传统密码学中仅依靠数学无法完成的密钥保密传递问题。

    Quantum cryptography , the combination of cryptography and quantum mechanics , can perfectly settle the problem of key distribution , which cannot be settled by classical cryptography by using mathematic method .

  16. 作为量子力学和密码学结合的产物,量子密钥分配可以快速的为秘密通信提供无条件安全的密钥,因而在军事、外交、商业等方面具有广泛的应用前景。

    Quantum key distribution which combines perfectly quantum mechanics with cryptography can provide unconditional security key between two remote parties and be applied in many fields , such as military , diplomacy , commerce .

  17. 把量子力学应用到密码学中产生了一个新的学科&量子密码学。

    Application of quantum mechanics to cryptography has brought a new subject-quantum cryptography .

  18. 这些结果有助于对量子网络和量子密码学方面的研究。

    These results may be helpful for the implementation of quantum network and useful in quantum cryptography .

  19. 量子密码为现代密码学研究提供了新的理论和方法,将对国家信息安全产生重要的影响。

    Quantum cryptography provides new theories and methods to the research on modern cryptography , which will have great effect on the national information security .

  20. 而量子密码术是密码学技术的较新的研究课题,它的发展对推动密码学理论发展起了积极的作用。

    Quantum cryptology is one of the nearest study tasks in cryptology technology , its development do active promotion to the progress of cryptology theory .

  21. 量子通信和量子密码学是传统密码学和量子力学相结合的产物,为信息的安全传输提供了一种全新的方法。

    Quantum communication and quantum cryptography is a subject which combines traditional cryptography and quantum mechanics . It provides an optional new method for information security .

  22. 量子密码是经典密码学与量子力学相结合的产物,其安全性由量子力学基本规律保证,与攻击者的计算能力无关,近年来成为研究者关注的热点。

    Quantum cryptography is a combination of classical cryptography and quantum mechanics . And its security is guaranteed by the law of quantum mechanics instead of the computation ability of the attacker . It has been the focus of attention in recent years .

  23. 量子信息包括量子密码学、量子计算和量子通信等。量子密码学为人们提供了一套基于物理定律的安全的密码体系。目前,量子密码在光纤系统中已趋于实用化。

    In general , quantum information includes quantum cryptography , quantum computation and quantum communication , etc. A secure system based on the law of physics has been developed in quantum cryptography , and the practical secure system in fibers system will be soon achieved .

  24. 量子密码是量子力学和密码学相结合的产物,它解决了经典密码体制的密钥分配的难题,是当今世界上最热门的前沿科学技术之一。

    Quantum cryptography , which is a combination of quantum mechanism and cryptology , solves the dilemma of the classical cryptography and has been developed as one of the most popular information technologies in the world .

  25. 量子密钥分配(QKD)是量子密码学的核心。

    Quantum key distribution ( QKD ) is the core of quantum cryptography .

  26. 上世纪下半叶以来,科学家在量子力学的基础上建立了量子密码学的概念。

    In the latter part of last century , scientists founded the conception of quantum cryptography on the basis of quantum mechanics .

  27. 量子保密通信以量子力学和经典密码学为理论基础,利用微观粒子的量子属性实现信息保护,其安全性由量子不可克隆定理和量子测不准原理保证。

    Quantum secure communication which uses the quantum effect to protect the information is based on quantum mechanics and classical cryptography . The security is based on quantum non-cloning theorem and uncertainty principle .

  28. 量子密码是以量子力学和经典密码学为基础,利用微观粒子的量子属性实现信息保护的一种新型密码体制,它是量子信息学中最有可能获得实际应用的技术。

    Quantum cryptography utilizes quantum effects to protect the information , which is based on quantum mechanics and classical cryptography . Quantum cryptography is the most possible applicable technology in quantum information theory .

  29. 量子密钥分配是以量子力学和密码学为基础发展起来的新理论,它以无条件安全性和技术实现上的简单在军事,外交,商业等领域具有广泛的应用前景。

    Quantum key distribution ( QKD ) has become a new theory based on quantum mechanics and cryptography . Due to its unconditional security and simplicity of technological realization , it can be applied in military , diplomacy and commerce .

  30. 它作为一种主要的资源,在量子计算、量子传输,量子编码和密码学等等领域中扮演重要角色。

    It plays a central role as an important resource in quantum computation , teleportation , dense coding and cryptography .