
  • 网络Body copy;Nevin;Content;text
  1. 内文是位出色的年轻选手,爱尔兰橄榄球联盟主席BillyGlynn在声明中说道。

    Nevin was an outstanding young player , Irish Rugby Football Union President Billy Glynn said in a statement .

  2. 内文得雇佣必要的帮手来检查牧场的栅栏。

    Nevin must hire the necessary help to ride the fence .

  3. 基于AJAX的内文关键字广告系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of In-Text keyword Advertising System Based on AJAX

  4. 除IBM外,各种电子仪器都采用这个标准作电脑与电脑间或电脑与外围设备的内文传送。

    A standard code used by almost all electronic equipments except IBM to represent text inside a computer and to transmit text between computers or between a computer and a peripheral device .

  5. 若使用单一追踪编号追踪货件,请在电子邮件的主旨栏或内文中输入ups追踪编号。

    To track a shipment with a single tracking number , enter the ups tracking number in the subject line of the e-mail or in the body of the message .

  6. 我记得和母亲坐在诊所的候诊室,拿着一本《好管家》(GoodHousekeeping)杂志摆在面前,慢慢地翻着,盯着内文,希望候诊室里的大人们以为我确实在读。

    I remember sitting in the waiting room of a doctor 's office with my mother , holding a Good Housekeeping magazine in front of my face , turning the pages slowly , staring at the text , and hoping the grown-ups in the waiting room would think I was actually reading .

  7. 谷歌工程部总监哈特穆特•内文(HartmutNeven)表示,当涉及隐私问题时,谷歌将“非常谨慎”。

    Google engineering director Hartmut neven says the company will be " extra careful " when it comes to privacy issues .

  8. 表格、指令和指示中所提及的上市法团股份应按内文的意思读解为RREEF中国商业信托单位。

    References in the forms , directions and instructions to shares in the listed corporation should , where the context so admits , be read as references to units in RREEF China Commercial Trust .

  9. 内文丘里管流量计测量蒸汽流量的优化法

    Optimized method of steam flow measurement with inner venturi tube flowmeter

  10. 内文丘里管流量计在煤气计量中的应用

    Application of Inner Venturi Tube Flow Meter in Measuring Coal Gas

  11. 不齐排式:内文排字,字行长度参差不齐的排法。

    Ragged setting : Text set with irregular line lengths .

  12. 地脚白边:在内文面积下的空白部分。

    Foot margin : White space below the text area of a page .

  13. 椎管内囊肿内文丘里管流量计

    The Cyst of intraspinal tube Internal Venturi Flow Meter

  14. 想在脚注和内文之间来回翻看?

    Want to flip back and forth between footnotes and the main text ?

  15. 文案撰写标题和内文,以及影视脚本,美指开始做表现稿。

    Copywriter writes the title , content and script while the Arts Director drafts .

  16. 我想得视内文而定。

    Depending on the context , I suppose .

  17. 书页纸封面:小册子的书皮和内文,用同样纸张。

    Self-cover : Cover of a booklet MADE of the same paper as the text pages .

  18. 正文(内文):书页内的主体材料,有别于标题和装饰字体。

    Text : The body matter of a page , as distinct from headings and display type .

  19. 内文丘里管流量计水蒸汽在蛇管内分层流膜状冷凝

    Internal Venturi Flow Meter Heat Transfer of Steam inside a Helically Coiled Tube with Stratified Film Condensation

  20. 齐边封面:书皮和内文书页一起切齐。

    Flush cover : A cover trimmed flush with the pages of the text of the book .

  21. 可点选篇名及作者栏,观看详细检索资料之内文及作者简介。

    Click on the Title and Author to view the whole content and an introduction about the author .

  22. 摘录:在内文中的引数文字。通常用较细字体和缩排。

    Extract : Quoted matter within a text , often set indented and in a smaller type size .

  23. 中文支援度佳:支援使用中文撰写内文、页面名称与中文搜寻。

    Support Chinese ( UTF-8 ): Good for Chinese Inner text , Page name , and Search Chinese Words .

  24. 起首字母:字体较大而有装饰的内文起首字母,作装饰或表示重要性用。

    Initial : A large and decorative type used as the first letter in text for decoration or emphasis .

  25. 查索及替换:一般方字处理程式都提供的编辑及改正内文设备;

    Search and rdplace : A facility for editing and correcting text matter provided by any word processing program .

  26. 脚注:解释内文的注解;用较细字体排于书页下端。

    Footnotes : notes explanatory to the main text , set in smaller type at the bottom of the page .

  27. 广告刊出前,其设计、内文及插图须得本刊同意。

    Execution of an advertising booking order is subject to publisher 's of copy , including display , text and illustration .

  28. 共四大册存放在四大铜匣内,内文是黑底厚纸上书金字,巴利文、梵文一起,看的出来很古老。

    The sutra is of4 volumes with gold letters written on very thick black papers in both Pali and Sanskrit languages .

  29. 对您的企划案有兴趣的翻译者可以搜寻此案子的内文。

    Translators who are only interested in your project , may search the project area for the texts to be translated .

  30. 每一笔纪录的讯息都会有时间戳、设施、严重性和内文讯息。

    Every syslog message logged is associated with a timestamp , a facility , a severity , and a textual log message .