
  • 网络inner imitation;inner nachahmung;mimic;Mirnic
  1. 各级各类教学中越来越广泛使用的电子教案有着自己的审美规范,如移情作用、审美情感内模仿、形式和内容的和谐统一等。

    In all kinds of teaching the electronic teaching plan has its own aesthetic standard such as the function of moving the feeling , the inner imitation in aesthetic sentiment and the harmonious unity of form and content .

  2. 认为人类花文化最初形成是与花卉对于人类的“形式快感”、内模仿与移情作用及花卉应用分不开的。

    The early formation and development of Chinese flower culture in history was connected with pleasant sensation of human beings for colorful and fragrant flowers and effects of removing feeling to the flowers as well as the inner imitation .

  3. 为宣传新片《模仿游戏》,MTV邀请本尼迪克特康伯巴奇在60秒的时间内模仿另外11为明星。

    To promote the film The Imitation Game , MTV had its star Benedict Cumberbatch actually imitate other celebrities : 11 of them , in 60 seconds .

  4. 但确实有很多人在可能的范围内模仿毛的媒体管理,另一些人决心要控制关于自己的信息的人准备退市。

    But many , within bounds , emulate Mao 's media management ; others , determined to control information about them , are delisting .

  5. 所以,企业一旦通过分销渠道获得竞争优势,竞争对手就难以在短时期内模仿,从而通过差异化的营销渠道模式建立企业的核心竞争力。

    Therefore , once through the distribution channels for enterprises to obtain competitive advantage , competitors would be difficult to imitate in a short period of time , thereby differentiated marketing channel mode set up the core of enterprise competitiveness .

  6. 刚出生的小鸡在来到这个世界后的几天内就能模仿妈妈的叫声。

    New-born chicks can then imitate their mom 's call within a few days of entering the world .

  7. 制造移植物的方法只,将干细胞植入到FDA批准的支架内,模仿干细胞转化成脂肪细胞的条件。

    The implant is created by placing the stem cells into an FDA-approved scaffold that mimics the conditions needed to turn stem cells into fat cells .

  8. 其他一些中国新贵也纷纷参与到独特的建筑项目中来。一位商人在他的公司园区内,模仿胡夫金字塔和凡尔赛宫建造了两栋建筑。但刘崇华的抱负不止于此。

    Other newly-minted Chinese magnates have also engaged in bizarre construction projects one businessman has built imitations of both the Great Pyramid of Giza and the palace of Versailles on his corporate campus but Liu has ambitions for more .

  9. 临床上来讲乳腺癌眶内转移瘤模仿眶内淋巴瘤或炎性假瘤。

    Clinically , metastatic orbital breast cancer may mimic orbital lymphoma or inflammatory orbital pseudotumor .

  10. 所有的研究对象都是醒着的,并且模拟器内的条件模仿在商业航班上通常出现的氧气和压力值。

    All study subjects were awake , and the conditions in the simulator mimicked oxygen and pressure levels typically found on commercial airline flights .