
  • 网络Modular Ontology
  1. 模块化本体建设研究

    Research on the Construction of Modular Ontology

  2. 文章分别对模块化本体的体系结构、模块化本体模块间的映射约束、以及模块化本体推理技术进行了深入研究。

    We mainly study the structure of modular ontology , mapping restraint between modules , as well as modular ontology reasoning technology .

  3. 模块化本体更容易实现本体的推理、扩展和重用。

    Modular expression is more easier to understand , reason , expansion and reuse .

  4. 模块化是优化本体推理的一种有效手段,提出了一种针对推理的模块提取方法,该方法通过分析符号解释域的边界与公理之间的关系计算出基于边界的模块。

    The proposed module extraction method is capable of identifying relevant axioms in an ontology based on the notion of boundaries of symbols , with respect to a given reasoning task .

  5. 不幸的是,相对于其他学科,如软件工程中模块化是一个完善的概念,但模块化本体构建工程仍缺乏一个统一的、标准的模块化构建方法。

    Unfortunately , compared to other subjects such as software engineering , the research of modularization is perfect , but the modular ontology engineering is still lack of an effective , clear concept .