
  • 网络Financial Theory;finance theory;Theory of Finance
  1. 随着近代金融理论的发展,有效市场假设(EfficientMarketHypothesis,EMH)受到越来越多的质疑。

    With the development of modern financial theory , EMH ( Efficient Market Hypothesis ) are questioned more and more scholars .

  2. Markowitz资产组合均值方差理论是现代资产组合理论和金融理论的奠基石。

    The portfolio mean-variance theory of Markowitz is the foundation of modern portfolio theory and modern financial theory .

  3. 从这一效应可以预知,投资者从上一笔交易中获利后更倾向于购买一些冒险型的股票。行为金融理论提示,克服这种心理可以帮助投资者长期获利。

    The house money effect predicts investors will be more likely to purchase risky may help investors profit more over the long term .

  4. 有效市场假说(EMH)自诞生之日起,就成为现代金融理论的一个重要基石。

    Efficient Market Hypothesis ( EMH ) has become an important foundation of modern financial theory since it was founded .

  5. 据此,为券商提出了基于分形市场理论、行为金融理论、VaR技术、强化投资分析、调整业务结构和增加资本金等方面的对策。

    Based on the fractal market theory , behavioral finance , VaR , reinforcement of investment analysis , business adjustment and capital increase , some countermeasures are brought forward to securities company .

  6. 首先介绍了支撑本文研究的比较金融理论、金融功能观理论和Blackburn理论,理论上指出银行发展和股票市场发展对经济有促进作用。

    At first , this paper describes the comparison financial theory , financial function theory , Blackburn theory which is this paper supported .

  7. 有效市场假说(EMH)无疑是近现代金融理论最重要的基石之一。

    Without doubt , Efficient Markets Hypothesis has become the most important foundation of the modern financial theories since the day Eugene Fama presented it .

  8. 以有效市场假说(EMH)为代表的经典金融理论在研究投资者投资行为时,假设市场的参与者都是完全理性并且市场总是有效的。

    The hypothesis that classical financial theory which is represented by Efficient Market Hypothesis research the behavior of investor are totally rational people and the efficient market .

  9. 1952年Markowiz创立了现代投资组合理论(MPT),标志着现代金融理论的诞生。

    The publish of Portfolio Selection ( Modern Portfolio Theory , MPT ) ( Markowitz , 1952 ) indicates the birth of the modern finance theory .

  10. 传统金融理论建立在有效市场假说(EMH)和资本资产定价模型(CAPM)两大基石之上,其模型和范式局限在理性的分析框架中,忽视了对投资者实际决策行为的分析。

    The traditional finance theory is based on EMH and CAPM , but the models and methods are confined to the frame of rationality ignoring the analysis of investor 's actual decision behaviour .

  11. 最后,针对B-S模型的特殊性,我们将以任意初始值为1的自筹资策略作为记账单位,得到金融理论中所关心的结论。

    Finally , to the particularity of the B - S model , any positive self-financing wealth process with initial value 1 is taken as the numeraire , then the conclusions in finance theory we cared about are received .

  12. 大量的实证证明,股票的回报率并不是服从正态分布,不能满足有效市场假说(EMH)金融理论的假设条件,意味着存在正偏或负偏。

    A lot of evidence shows that stock returns are not perfectly normally distributed , can not meet the efficient market hypothesis ( EMH ) assumptions of financial theory , which means that there skewness is positive or negative , not equal to zero .

  13. 许多经典的现代金融理论和模型均是建立在理性人假设和Fama提出的有效市场假说这两个理论基础之上,其研究范式也局限于完全理性的分析框架。

    Many classical theories and models of MF are based on the rational agent suppose and Efficient Market Hypothesis ( EMH ) put forward by Fama , which research pattern also localized on the analysis frame of complete rationality .

  14. 本文通过数据分析详细刻画了中国上市公司融资行为和资本结构的特征,发现中国上市公司融资行为与G-7国家实践和西方经典公司金融理论的预期截然相反。

    This paper describe the financial behavior of China listed companies clearly by data . We find that the financial behavior is totally different with the characteristics of G-7 nations and the explanations of classical corporate financial theories .

  15. 传统的金融理论基于一种线性思维,假定收益率序列是一个I.I.D过程。但是近些年来,有效市场理论在理论和实证检验两方面越来越受到挑战。

    Traditional financial theory is based on a linear thinking , it is assumed that yield sequence is a process of I.I.D. But in recent years , efficient market theory has been accepted more and more challenges in the theory and empirical testing .

  16. 非理性的市场与投资:行为金融理论述评

    Irrational Market and Investment : A Survey of Behavioral Finance Theory

  17. 行为金融理论与投资策略应用研究

    The Studies on Behavioral Finance Theory and It 's Investment Strategies

  18. 行为金融理论在金融理论中所占的地位越来越重要。

    Behavioral finance theory gains an increasing importance in finance theories .

  19. 农业政策性金融理论及实证研究

    The Theory of Agricultural Policy-based Finance and Its Positive Study

  20. 行为金融理论对有效市场假说的反思

    Review of Behavioral Finance Theory on Efficient Markets Hypothesis

  21. 本章是法与金融理论的另一个应用分析。

    This chapter is another applied analysis of law and the financial theory .

  22. 行为金融理论是自20世纪80年代兴起的金融学说。

    The behavioural financial theory was established in 1980s .

  23. 基于网络金融理论的网上银行发展与对策研究

    The Study on Internet Banking Development and Solution Based on Network Financial Theory

  24. 网络银行与电子货币&网络金融理论初探

    Internet Banking and E-money : Internet Financial Theory Analysis

  25. 试论行为金融理论的逻辑起点

    Logical Starting Point of Theory of Behavioral Finance

  26. 学者们通过放松一些假设,来对标准金融理论进行重建和完善。

    Scholars reconstruct and perfect the standard financial theory through loosing the suppose condition .

  27. 法与金融理论面临的挑战

    The Challenge of the Law and Financial Theory

  28. 基于行为金融理论的收益率分布主观模型研究

    Research of the Subjective Model of Returns Distribution Based on the Behavioral Finance Theories

  29. 证券分析师的理论基础经历了从现代经典金融理论到行为金融理论的发展。

    Security analysts have turned from classic finance to behavioral finance as their theoretical basis .

  30. 本文是关于行为金融理论在股市混沌理论中应用的研究。

    This paper focuses on the study of application of behavioral finance in SMC theory .